Hello Fashionistas, Lately I've been doing my best to eat healthier, cut out sugars, cut out meats and I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping up with my diets. So I've decided to give it another try and really try to make vegan meals four days weekly and 3 meals daily. So I can be healthier, have more energy, eat better and take even better care of my body so I can live a lomg life for my kids, addtionally, I have found some good vegan meal recipes online that I want to share them with you and why changing the way Me and my family eat is important to me. In general it's good to watch what you eat so that your body can stay healthy and all your organs can continue to operate correctly. So lets get right into eating better and a little more the important facts. Also I've been meaning to start doing my daily workout routine again, I will share all of my workout stuff here today and show you some workout gear that I would like to have. VEGAN FOOD + ADVICE ...