Hello Fashion dolls, I've been sharing all my prego updates with you and today I wanted to share another in a slightly different way plus include my thoughts and feelings so far. Hopefully this post can help and touch any expecting Mom's first time or not, because ultimately that is goal with any post I share with you ladies. PREGO UPDATE I am currently 25 weeks which is 6 months pregnant and the months seem to be flying by, the third trimester is always the quickset in my opinion but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong LOL. Time has really gone by quickly though and feels like the baby will be here sooner then expected LOL. My baby bump has grown bigger, so more and more people seem to get touchy feely wanting to rub my belly which I'm not a fan of at all not even when I was pregnant with my first baby, so the third time around is no exception LOL and I'm not ashamed to tell people not to touch me. Because it makes me a little uneasy, uncomfortable and wea...