Hello fashion dolls ! Like I have already mentioned in my ending 2013 fashion post last month, I'm going to wear crop tops, maxi skirts/dresses and skater dresses/skirts. So I finally found some useable styles and trends on my recent web search that I wanted to share with my fashion lovers today. *2014 HEELS WISH LIST #1 A) STRAPPY PLATFORM PUMPS - Blue with leopard heel - Royal blue with brown straps - Fuchsia strap pumps - Black turqouise pumps - Pink/Black forest heels - Royal blue strap with red heels B) PUMPS AND PLATFORMS - Pink/Gray glittery pumps - Red/Gold stillettoe pumps - Royal blue/Black Strappy spike platform heels - Glittery gold pumps with strap - Metalic gold pumps with strap - Gold rhinestone pumps - Maroon/Glittery pumps All of these heels are so my style, but one pair I would change something about is the royal blue spike stud platforms, because I don't really want spikes on my heels LOL but they still are very cute. I l...