Hello fashion dolls !, Wednesday my daughter turned 5 years old and I have to admit she really is growing to damn fast for me omgness ! And at times I want it to slow down, but others I wish it would just stop LOL. But we threw her birthday party yesterday and it was the best one yet in her own words LOL she had a blast with her new friends and our family that came out to celebrate with us on her big day. This year her party theme was unicorns and JoJo Siwa so everything was pink and purple, but my Mom forgot to get the hair bows to tap onto all the tablecloths for the JoJo Siwa part of the theme regardless Nevaeh was more then happy to see all the pink and wore a unicorn head band to match the colorful sequins unicorn dress she wore and even had some of her braids in a sideways ponytail like JoJo Siwa does. BDAY OOTD We knew it was going to be hot outside of course this Summer heat has been crazy, I got tanlines from my OOTD LOL. Nevaeh loves those red velvet vans she wore and w...