Hello fashion dolls !!!!

Long time no blog, took some time to focus on myself although I missed sharing with you it was important for me to take time off from blogging. I have been dealing with some trying times for some time now but I was handling the pressure pretty good but more stuff came crashing on top of everything else and I just needed time to unwind, focus on my mental health, get it together and spend more time with family. It's always refreshing to take a break from things that consume majority of our time regularly that get in the way of having fun with family or even causes us to become isolated because we just want to focus on what we want to do rather then better things in life. Sometimes we lose sight of whats most important in life when we become overwhelmed with stress and depression because all we are focused on is whatever we are dealing with or feeling at the time, whoch causes family or spousal difficulties that we never predict we would cause to happen.

Nowadays there is so much hate, rejection, depression, anger and death you never know what somebody could be going through by seeing them during daily activities because covering up true feelings with fake smiles has became more natural to most of us. Nobody really likes talking about the effects of mental health, it's important to understand the meaning of what mental health really is because the society we live in discriminates and isolates those who suffer from an mental illness by stereotyping them  as a crazy person who's always violent and causing chaos. Homeless people living  in the streets are often looked at that way, but kost of them are just drug addicted kind hearted people who lost their place in life which is much more deeper and complex then anyone who hasn't been put into that situation could comprehend or even live like, so just be mindful of all aspects of this before passing judgement.

With that said, I want to share with all of you some relaxation methods I've been using for a month that have helped me to calm down and also to relax when I need to unwind from daily stressors. There products you can buy and music you can download to help you relax that I will share here with you that I know for a fact helps me and hopefully can/will also help anyone of you as well.


If you enjoy a essential oils and bath bombs this will certainly be something you will enjoy hearing about.

1. Lavendar: This scent is used  to help with anxiety and may slow down the nervous system which relaxes both the mind and body to improve sleep

2. Jasmine: This flowers sweet smell packs a surprising sleep punch and if you inhale this while sleeping you can experience greater sleep

3.Vanilla: This is a potent relaxer, in fact people who smell it had more stable heart rates and better blood pressure readings

4. Peppermint: This uplifting scent can be energizing and can help you stay alert and clear your head at the end of a long day

5. Lemon: This promotes concentration plus has a calming and claritying properties when your feeling angry, anxious or run down


If you want some relaxing music to listen to when your taking a warm bath this section will be right down your alley.

Sounds of: Waves on the beach and gentle rain fall


1. Weightless by Marconi Union

2. Electra by Airstream (good for yoga)

3. Mellomaniac (chill out mix) by DJ Shah

4. Watermark and Only time by Enya

5. Strawberry swing by Cold play

6. Please don't go by Barcelona


If you want something in your home to help you to relax this section is for you

1. Himalayan salt lamp  
2. Relaxation fountain
3. Aromatherapy mists
4. Essential oil burner or difuser (essential oils or cubes that melt when burned)

Although I don't suffer from an mental illness, I have people in my family who do so I know and understand the importance of taking care of your mental health and being able to understand what the true meaning of mental illness is. I have been contimplating going to a mental health facility to be evaluated and have talked myself out of going numerous times for no real reason at all, but in recent days I've decided it would be a good idea considering what I've been dealing with lately and how I've been feeling about everything that has taken place in the past month to the recent weeks leading up to me posting this. I appreciate the fact that even though I've taken numerous breaks from blogging you all continue to come back and read my new posts THANK YOU so much for reafing this wave with me it's a challenging journey but with God all things are possible Amen!.

#FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad #SelfLove #MentalHealthAwareness #LoveYourself



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