Hello fashionistas,

Long time no post, I have been dealing with remote schooling with my Kindergartener although school was officially over June 5th LOL, keeping in contact from a distance with my Parents, in laws and my oldest Son Drayton who's in Arizona. This whole pandemic has thrown me off my blogging schedule, but I'm happy to be back today to share a really good book with you ladies today that I believe that your going to enjoy just like I did. I enjoy doing these blog book tours with Paige Boggs, who always shows me so much love and support, it means so much to me that she values my opinion enough to continue to invite me back again Thank you Paige for always inviting me to review and read these amazing books on tour.


I really enjoyed reading this book, because it shed light on a  unexpectedly scary time in that Jewish people went through during the Holocaust and Estherly's story was one of fear, confusion and attempting to navigate through love during such a trying time. I really got stuck to the book when  Ferrin found the diaries and got motivated/inspired to explore where Estherly's stories could take her in her own life and to find her true love. It's amazing that Ferrin wanted to know what really happened to the woman who wrote the diaries entries without knowing if she would really find out the truth about what happened to Estherly or not, but she was willing to find out. 

What Estherly and her friend Mae went through was both scary and confusing for a kid to go through when there is little to no explanation from parents about what's happening in their communities and why there are so many changes. In similar ways, what we are facing during this pandemic is sort of like certain parts from the book, for example, the curfew that was enforced by Mayors and Governor's worldwide and having the Army National Guard help with swarming protester clogging the streets. 

I truly enjoyed this book a lot and will definitely be sharing it with my friends and family, because there is a love story in the book that anyone who has ever secretly been in love or secretly had feelings for someone but were to nervous to express how they felt. I definitely will be adding this to my book collection, I don't have enough books at home nowadays so this will be a lovely addition to add into my book shelf and I already added it my Amazon cart for my next payday. 

I have to be honest that I hadn't ever read any book written by Marisa and Carraine  Oldham before and I am looking up more of their books right after I publish this post. I look forward to participating in the next book tour as usual, because I enjoy reading new books that keep me talking about them for weeks to come with my family and friends. Also I do need more actual books with my book shelf so empty lately, I lost majority of my book collection when I had to store a lot of my stuff at a friend of the family house and my Mom found out that they sold a lot of our belongings in a yard sale and unfortunately my books were some of them. 

Thank you guys for reading and following my journey, I hope you enjoyed the book review. Please be sure to look for the book on Amazon, where you can order both paperback or Kindle e books. 

#OnlineBlogBookTour #RememberTheStars #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad



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