Hello fashion dolls, 

Been taking a well needed break because I’ve been busy working and had to balance that with everything else we had going on, but I’m happy to be back blogging and sharing what I love here with all of you.Today I will be sharing a new start up brand that I know you will all love, this start up just recently launched their new swim suit collection and I really love everything about these swim suits and can’t wait to see what other swim suit designs they come up with. I had a chance to meet with the owner/CEO and I will be sharing my interview with her as well in this post. 


The swim suit line is called the poolside collection with cute unique designs and eye catching colors. I rarely swim so I don’t really buy bathing suits, but once I saw the swim suits from this collection I do want one and will start swimming just to have a reason to be wearing it. The first thing that stands put me when I see these swim suits is the bright colors, lastly the mix matching of neon's really gives the collection an wow factor and will definitely stand out during any pool party. The brand’s website recently dropped their website August 25th but the swim suit collection launched August 28th and is currently open for preorders now, also make sure you subscribe to the Tayllor Jon'A newsletter to be the first to know about new arrivals and all the news about the brand. 





                  MEET THE CEO OF TAYLLOR JON'A 


I had a chance to sit down to talk with her about her brand and the vision she has for it's longevity. Tayllor is the owner/CEO of the brand, she is a young and talented entrepreneur who is very dedicated to her brand and the message it is presenting to potential customers. 

Be sure to follow all of her social medias so you can stay informed on what she has coming up
Personal IG: @itstayllorjona Business IG: @tayllorhonaent Youtube channel: Tayllor Jon'A

I had a chance to sit down to talk with her about her brand and the vision she has for it's longevity. Tayllor is the owner/CEO of the brand, she is a young and talented entrepreneur who is very dedicated to her brand and the message it is presenting to potential customers. Our interview lasted for a short but informative amount of time as she had things she had to handle to prepare for the then upcoming launches and I was happy to be meeting with her and discussing fashion, goals and self-employment.

What inspired you to start our own business?

I started my first business when I was in elementary school as a part of an assignment, selling school supplies. When I look back on it that was the moment I discovered my love for being my own boss.

Where did you get your inspiration for the designs of your swim suits? 

My inspiration for the pool side collection was honestly quarentine. Now I know that sounds crazy but quarentine has had us trapped inside for months with the only thing to do being to sit "pool side" so with this collection I wanted to use bright colos to brighten up everyone's summer

What advice would you give someone who wants to start their own business?

Just do it! (yes like Nike). You wont know if your business will succeed or fail until you try, but also be patient with yourself everything will fall in place

Tell me something you've learned during your journey to launching your brand?

The biggest thing I've learned is, patience and allowing the brand to form itself. There is no rush, move at your own pace and take the time to make your brand exactly how you want it. When it's ready you'll know


I love it! The swim suits are cute and I really love the colors. I definitely will be buying that pink one and have already subscribed to the newsletter so I can be updated on all the new arrivals that drop. Girl what are you waiting for? Be sure to preorder a pool side collection swim suit at right now. This brand is definitely going to become something big and I can't wait to see what Tayllor comes up with when designing new collections and I'm happy to have been able to get a behind the scenes look at what the brand has to offer. What I truly enjoy the most about the aesthetic of this brand is that it's elegantly designed with a simple yet bold approach and the locations of these photo shoots are noticeably luxurious which fits the brands message and makes it stand out from everyone else. CEO Tayllor is a wise woman and I cant wait to see what else she come up with. 

I hope that you enjoyed the spot light on this amazing new brand and I will be sure to share more great content with you guys within the upcoming weeks, because I plan on shooting some stuff for you guys to see what I've been slacking on putting together. It's been a rough several months balancing my new job, the kids and now that my daughter has started her first grade online schooling, it's definitely been challenging to stay motivated to create content for blog posts. But now I have the drive and motivation to continue blogging after having such a empowering conversation with Tayllor.

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