Hello Fashionistas,

Today was a good day and we ran arrands as a family today, the kids were dressed so cute in their new outfits they got for Christmas πŸ’•πŸ’‹.  I will be sharing another cuteness overload with Nevaeh/Lil Tony, my munchkins are always wearing fly outfits and my daughter loves getting pretty.
As a Mother of two small kids, I can honestly say that when we are out that it's challenging to get everything done with a 3 year old and 1 year old. Because if  they get sleepy prolonging naps for two toddlers can difinitley lead to some unexpected moments, everyone reacts to kids crying or being bad diffrently so most people feel obligated to react by staring or mumbling something stupid.
From a Mother's point of view, I have two small toddlers they freak out sometimes so I  have to get them to sop and be quiet.


Outfit: Universal Studios- little monsters
Sneakers: Family Dollar


Outfit: Genuine kids by Osh Kosh
Sneakers: KSwiss

My munchkins are always happy, smiling and making people we see around feel happy. People talk to them, wave and sometimes give them stuff; Nevaeh seems to shock people we meet with the way she talks. My daughter is a 3 yrs old diva princess 🀦🏽‍♀️ so she wants to be sprayed with perfume, put on make up and sometimes asks for deodorent 🀣 #FunnyMommyMoments #MiniDivaChronicles.
She is so smart, she shocks me sometimes with the stuff she says to me because she knows what she is talking about πŸ’― #LoveMeSomeHer #NevaehChronicles #LilTonyChronicles πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ’‹πŸ’•.


Mamy people  judge someone's parenting by how their kids cry, yell, act a fool and have a temeper tantrum in public. Everyone wants to give adcice on how to raise your kids and tell your kids to listen to you like they need someone else telling them what to do 🀣 Why do people feel some type of way enough to share unwanted info? It's weird af and oddly happens a lot🀦🏽‍♀️😩.
Being a Mom is seriously a daily challenge, but I love my munchkins so I will get through it and develop a system that works for the kids; which will be nap times, snacks, drinks and entertainment.
The kids have a lot of toys from Chistmas that they can play with, but sometimes videos on my phone or iPad resolves the issue quickly, while Nevaeh ocassionally plays with toys while watching videos.

Becoming a Mom is a blessing and it's normal for kids to freak out when they are sleepy or cant get something from the store they really want, but these people with judgemental stares trying to mumble some hateful comments need to realize parenting isn't always easy because kids attitudes are unpredictable sorry my kids are crying loud but I am doing everything I can to get them to be quiet don't talk shit you have no idea what it takes to juggle my two toddlers all day on the bus getting stuff done quickly but smoothly as I can. I'm not against whooping my kids but even popping your kid on their hand in public is frowned upon these days so yes you judgemental people on the bus mind your damn business 🀣.

If everyone in the world would just mind their business and keep their advice to themself? I think we would live in a less violent world, because most physical fights are started over someone getting into another persons business. To many young people deal with this topic on a routine basis in their schools and even with their friends, when older people give it advice a lot of the time they are judging but at the same time wanna help you. But still it annoys me to get unwanted advice for something I'm not blind to I have common sense and don't wanna deal with my kids screaming and acting a fool in public just as much as everyone else around us just don't be a bitch about it.πŸ’―

As people parents or not, whether your  family/friends or don't know each other at all stop with the judgemental advice nobody truly wants it and we for damn sure don't want to hear what you have to say. Staying to myself is one of my strengths 🀦🏽‍♀️πŸ’― it's better then getting into an arguement with some strange person and possibly having to fight if they took it that way.

Thanks for reading and following me, please follow my blog and stay updated on all my fashion styles, make up must haves, and reviews. Stay inspired, stop listening to these corny and cliche pharses like having to change because it's a new year 🀣 for me I continue to do what makes me happy and improve parts of myself that need improvement but I don't just completely change who I am. But cut small things out of my life, because shit I can cut down on sugar snacks for sure 🀣.
Stay blessed and keep God firsr.


#MommyChronicles #MunchkinOOTD #FamilyDayOut


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