Hello fashion dolls, I am in several online groups for fashion and various different topics, but today I attended a fashion event for Xehar #AConfidentYou and they were showcasing their new curvy collection, for models, bloggers and other influencers. It was a very fun event, the activities they planned out were amazing and all fashion related, free photoshoots, make up and hair stations, confident talk panel, models wearing new clothing collection, outfit giveways to volunteers, mingle + network and live DJ. I am so happy that I went to this event, because I got to be apart of a brand collection launch and see what a real photoshoot is like, it was a positive, layed back, social and comfortable enviornment. Xehar curvy is a line for curvy and plus size women fashionistas and everyone there was beautiful regardless of their size, I really think anyone who body shames someone is heartless for so many reasons and breaking down someones confidence and self esteem is wrong + horrible for someone to do. So I thank Hadari Oshri who is the CEO of Xehar for creating this company to help all women feel, look and talk confident not only regarding fashion but body image and mind mentality as well because its important for women to feel empowered and positive about themselves. XEHAR CURVY AND XEHAR STYLE I love a lot of the clothes and shoes they have to offer, so cute, current, comfortable and various styles for any occasion. The color palettes, prints and patterns are on point and season current to please any need a fashionista may have for clothing or shoes. I can't wait to get some outfits from Xehar, because as my loyal squad of readers you know I love adopting all fashion forward cute brands i to my wardrobe. Also I just might have a career move with Xehar as a brand ambassador, which would be so awesome! I would be in fashion heaven working for them and helping empower women to be confident in life, fashion and body image would diffinitely be accomplishing one of my goals as a blogger. So stay tuned to see how my brand ambassadorship career plays out and I gurantee there will be plenty more for me to share, when that time comes. Wish me luck on my career choice.  I met some really cool, laid back and kind hearted fierce women today at the event and to be surrounded by such grace, beauty, empowerment, love and fashion influence was AMAZING to witness. I truly hope to attend many more events Xehar has to offer, because next time I am going to talk to more people, volunteer for trying on clothes, network and loosen up some, since I always attend these events solo I tend to stand off to the side quietly observing when someone talks to me first LOL because I am solo until a conversation busts me out of my shell some. So thank you to Ms photogenic for having a conversation with me that helped me relax and not stand around like some weirdo all day LOL.
This is the event flyer, on the left is Manon Edwards a blogger + curvy model who spoke about Confidence and her own story, on the right Hadari Oshri os CEO of Xehar who hosted and created this event and again I thank her kindly for it. I related to both of their stories about confidence and getting through difficult times and body shamming exists even for the small petite women. 
Thank you so much for reading and continuing to follow my fashionista journal, If you havent already checked out Xehar curvy or  Xehar styleyou should! So go to for some cute retail therapy LOL. Stay confident and love who you are no matter how you look because beauty doesn't have to look perfect or flawless because realistically our bodies aren't made that way so why ot love and embrace the body God blessed you with? Haters will always surface but you DON'T have to CARE. Stay blessed and keep God first, he is a rewarding God pray and it willbe given to you. #StyleSquad #FashionistaSquad #XeharCurvy PINKBARBIE THE FASHIONISTA 💕💋


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