Hello fashion dolls, Long time no post or share, school has been a bit hectic due to tests and the semester is half way through so my test schedule is crazy LOL. I will be starting a new series of blog posts starting this week and would love your feedback on those series so that I know Im posting stuff you all like to see and read about. My first series is school week ootd but for last weeks start I only have two photos left, because my two year old daughter was using my phone and deleted most of them so this post will just be a test run.
 WEEK 1 OF SCHOOL OOTD It was a hot week last week and felt a lot like Summer so I was happy to bust out my Summer clothes LOL since I had a baby four months ago not all my clothes fit me the way they use to, so I wear selective items. OOTD 1: I mix and match trends together because trying new things is apart of my style and it always comes out being very cute *Graphic crop top: Swap meet *Pencil skirt: G-stage *Socks: Ross *Sneakers: WSS Jordans *Snapback: Swap meet.
  OOTD 2: With these outfits I wore the same sneakers and they both compliment them very well and I love the cardigan that I wore its light, airy and lace. *Cut out shirt dress: Ross *Jean shorts: Ross *Cardigan: Miami *Sneakers: Same ones from the previous outfit 

  I always wear shorts under my dresses, but usually not jean shorts and the dress is becoming to short so its now my new shirt LOL. This look was casually cute, not to dressy but I sure felt cute wearing it and it was the prettiest day out just was really hot. I have a versatile sense of fashion, it switches up and  I can describe my style to be like a boomerang because I bring certain styles back sometimes with something different. MY BIG DECISION I want to continue to make a impact on helping women feel good about themself with fashion, also with themself in their lifestyle because thats Important for us as women need to be happy with who we are and look good while doing it. We don't have to feel like we HAVE to look like someone else and own who you are, how you look, how you feel all while being yourself as well; Confidence. I love putting together outfits and I have recently discovered Polyvore and I love the way that platform allows you to put together detailed looks, styles and presentations. I had to use Polyvore for a assignment for one of my fashion classes, I really enjoyed doing this and decided to do one for myself and I wanted to share my brand new Polyvore project idea. I would love to know what you guys think about this post and anything in it so please feel to leave a comment, I appreciate your effort. I ultimately want my own company one day, so for now I would love to be a photoshoot stylist basically almost any job title dealing with clothes/putting together looks. I am organized, creative and unique so I also would like to be a trend scout or do fashion forecasting and I'm good at coming up with ideas that a particular type of fashionista would enjoy in style and trends. So I will start my new week of school OOTD series this week, so please look out for that upcoming series and I will post the OOTDS at the end of the week.
Thank you so much for tuning in on my blog, hopefully I have inspired someone today and look forward to any feedback you may have for me. Stay blessed and keep God first, he will elevate you to  where your suppose to be in Christ so everything he has planned for you can manifest itself inside you. #DRESSEDTOKILL #FECTCHINGTRENDSETTER PINKBARBIE THE FASHIONISTA 💞💋  
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