Hello my fashionistas!
Long time no post, but I'm back and ready to share some good stuff for you today. I've been talking about rebranding for awhile in a few previous posts and I finally have started the process, as you can see the blog looks different, I also rewrote my about me / contact me pages as well and I hope you guys like it. I have been playing around with a few things in web design, such as creating my own logos and things of that nature and I will also be sharing those today as well to so I'm excited about it.
Friday, I not only re-designed my blog image I had a mini photoshoot, now ladies if you have been following me for awhile you know I love fashionable clothes and I have become such a huge lover / follower of a expanding brand Xehar. This brand is amazing because they not only cater to a regular size such as small or medium with their Xehar Style collection but they also have a Xehar curvy for sizes such as 1X-3X, I signed up for their brand ambassador program recently guess what I was excepted! #Yay so excited about that, prepare to see some cute Xehar Curvy products.
What I love about Xehar is that they promote a confident you movement, they are all about women's confident not only in fashion regardless of shape or size but being confident with who you are as a woman of all shapes and color. I have always promoted fashion confidence and knowing yourself in most of my posts, so I am happy to be brand ambassador for a brand who represents and always promotes that for women everywhere.
Long time no post, but I'm back and ready to share some good stuff for you today. I've been talking about rebranding for awhile in a few previous posts and I finally have started the process, as you can see the blog looks different, I also rewrote my about me / contact me pages as well and I hope you guys like it. I have been playing around with a few things in web design, such as creating my own logos and things of that nature and I will also be sharing those today as well to so I'm excited about it.
Friday, I not only re-designed my blog image I had a mini photoshoot, now ladies if you have been following me for awhile you know I love fashionable clothes and I have become such a huge lover / follower of a expanding brand Xehar. This brand is amazing because they not only cater to a regular size such as small or medium with their Xehar Style collection but they also have a Xehar curvy for sizes such as 1X-3X, I signed up for their brand ambassador program recently guess what I was excepted! #Yay so excited about that, prepare to see some cute Xehar Curvy products.
What I love about Xehar is that they promote a confident you movement, they are all about women's confident not only in fashion regardless of shape or size but being confident with who you are as a woman of all shapes and color. I have always promoted fashion confidence and knowing yourself in most of my posts, so I am happy to be brand ambassador for a brand who represents and always promotes that for women everywhere.
I love this Xehar dress! It's cute, flowy, versatile and stylish, I added the belt from my vest to add more a more earthy look. There are gold buttons along the sides of the dress ending about mid thigh, I love the high splits on both sides because it's a modern look. This is the first dress I purchased at a Xehar sample sale, along with two blazers and a really cute crossbody bag I forgot to take pictures with LOL but I will be sure to add photos of them in a later post.
When I got this dress, I was happy to have found it at the
sample sale because when I first discovered Xehar I was
invited to their very first Fashion party event. It was at that
event I seen one of their models showcasing this hot little
number LOL, so ever since that event I've wanted to have it and now that I do it will be one of my go to dresses this summer.
Everything Xehar has to offer wheather it be merchandise or their message I guarantee your going to become a super fan
of the brand the way that I am, so please check them out.
Your going to enjoy everything about Xehar, because of the
clothes and the #AConfidentYou movement that they are promoting to all women everywhere.
The heels in these pictures aren't from Xehar, I haven't had the pleasure of walking my runway in any yet LOL. But when I get some your going to see me rocking them so much you'll think I sleep in them just kidding ladies that would be way excessive and my feet would be so swollen LOL.
Like so many women everywhere being confident is a challenge, but I feel that nothing anyone says about your looks, size, fashion sense or personality should effect the way you live, dress, talk or act. Self confidence starts with self love so loving who you are, your shape, your size and embracing SELF is very important and once you embrace you then nothing anyone says can effect you.
For me, my low self confidence started at a young age because I was picked on a lot by kids my own age. It started in middle school when my family moved to Downey, because I grew up in a low income family my parents couldn't
afford to buy me name brand clothes or shoes. I was use to our way of life so it didn't bother me before we moved, but coming to school wearing Payless's version of ADIDAS was joke worthy to half of my new classmates sadly it wasn't long before they started calling me ugly or fat and it really effected how I viewed myself.

Take fashion risks ALWAYS love yourself despite haters because your beautiful and you deserve to be happy, confidence is sexy and infective LOL stay you Always. Live a confident you movement and body positivity movement, fashionistas know best LOL, keep God first and stay blessed.
#XeharCurvy #XeharStyle #XeharBrandAmbassador
Here is a link to get a discount on your first online purchase
When I got this dress, I was happy to have found it at the
sample sale because when I first discovered Xehar I was
invited to their very first Fashion party event. It was at that
event I seen one of their models showcasing this hot little
number LOL, so ever since that event I've wanted to have it and now that I do it will be one of my go to dresses this summer.
Everything Xehar has to offer wheather it be merchandise or their message I guarantee your going to become a super fan
of the brand the way that I am, so please check them out.
Your going to enjoy everything about Xehar, because of the
clothes and the #AConfidentYou movement that they are promoting to all women everywhere.
The heels in these pictures aren't from Xehar, I haven't had the pleasure of walking my runway in any yet LOL. But when I get some your going to see me rocking them so much you'll think I sleep in them just kidding ladies that would be way excessive and my feet would be so swollen LOL.
Like so many women everywhere being confident is a challenge, but I feel that nothing anyone says about your looks, size, fashion sense or personality should effect the way you live, dress, talk or act. Self confidence starts with self love so loving who you are, your shape, your size and embracing SELF is very important and once you embrace you then nothing anyone says can effect you.
For me, my low self confidence started at a young age because I was picked on a lot by kids my own age. It started in middle school when my family moved to Downey, because I grew up in a low income family my parents couldn't
afford to buy me name brand clothes or shoes. I was use to our way of life so it didn't bother me before we moved, but coming to school wearing Payless's version of ADIDAS was joke worthy to half of my new classmates sadly it wasn't long before they started calling me ugly or fat and it really effected how I viewed myself.
After graduating high school I finally stopped caring what people said and thought about me, because
I realized the haters will always have something to say about me regardless if I'm doing bad or good in my life so I let it go. I know who I am and I love me just how I am nobodies opinion of me
validates me as a person, I've grown so much since then that nothing negative can effect me.
I smile so much more as a confident woman then I ever did as a bullied kid who tried way to hard to fit in, ten years later alot of those haters from my childhood follow me on social media I'm so happy
to see old faces wheather they hated me or not I have conquered my inner self confidence issues and can be civilized enough to follow back because we are adults and I hold no grudges I'm way to fly for high school antics just don't have the paitence for any of that anymore.
Take fashion risks ALWAYS love yourself despite haters because your beautiful and you deserve to be happy, confidence is sexy and infective LOL stay you Always. Live a confident you movement and body positivity movement, fashionistas know best LOL, keep God first and stay blessed.
#XeharCurvy #XeharStyle #XeharBrandAmbassador

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