Hello Fashionistas,

It's been way to long since I did a post about my favorite rapper and I've been wanting to create some content so today is the day ! I really enjoy showing love to other women who are making boss moves in life and also are empowering others at the same time, so it's way over due to show Nicki that love #NoHomo but she deserves it so ladies lets get into Nicki talk shall we LOL #ImCornyAf.


When Nicki went m.i.a on social media a lot of people were worried that something may have happened to her or that she had given up on her rap career among other things, but what people fail to realize is even the best female rapper needs to take a break to relax, reflect, recharge and enjoy life without all the hype of social media and crazy people who still fail to admit she is the best female rapper right now and has been since she stepped foot into the game #TeamNicki #NickiIsTheBest.

In my opinion, it was smart for her to take time off from her career and do what makes her happy without having to explain why she really took a break it's her life let the woman live it her way!.
I loved that she came out with the Queen album as a surprise, because it kept us all guessing a handful of things about her rap career and it was genius to me she doesn't have to explain shit to anyone and this was the best way for her to push that message without using those exact words LOL.

I have been a huge fan of her music for years and the Queen album is one of the best !, I can't really say what songs from the album are my favorite because I like them all and for the most part can rap majority of the lyrics with her LOL this album will be my anthem for along time.
 For those of you who may not know or need a reminder here are the songs from the album

*Ganja burn
*Barbie dreams
*Rich sex
*Thought I knew you
*Run and hide
*Chun swae
*Good form
*Nip tuck
*2 lit 2 late interlude
*Come see about me
*Coco Chanel
*Inspirations outro

I have to admit though, the first song I memorized the lyrics to was Chun-Li and my daughter is only four but she loves it to although she doesn't know the lyrics much she likes the beginning of the song the best LOL I love everything about this album and have downloaded it on iTunes and listen to it often because it's just that damn good to me.


When episode 1 came in August it was a surprise to me, but I quickly paid for my three month subscription to Apple music so I wouldn't miss any episodes even though I came into it at episode 4 I listened to all the past episodes immediately after to be all caught up on everything she talked about. It was one of the best ideas ever giving her a radio show, because now we can really have a chance to see what she is like outside of the rap industry even though she discusses a lot of topic dealing with other artists in the industry. I have always known she was a kind hearted and sweet person who kept it real not only from her music but from her speeches on award shows, on Ellen Degeneres and when she would talk to the media in other settings but her generosity and real genuine love she has for her fans screams out in this radio show so for all of those reasons Nicki I applaud you.

Your music and who you are as a person speaks volumes compared to the image media or individuals try to portray you as, I can't stress enough how thankful I am to have been able to hear  your wisdom, realness no matter if people like what you say or not and advice on Queen radio and I would like to say congrats on getting your own radio show ! I'm impatiently waiting for the next episode to drop but I know whenever you do give us a episode 9 it's going to be epic as all prior episodes have been. I work majority of the days that the episodes air but I never miss them live LOL I tune in every time listening and laughing as I work which is a perk to being able to listen to music as I work since my bosses know about it already.


It's crazy to me that a fight even happened at such a sophisticated setting such as a fashion week event and I dislike strongly that more wasn't done to keep Nicki Minaj and Cardi B away from each other when everyone knew there was a beef that one of the women had against the other. I feel some type of way about as I'm sure many people do whether they are fans of Nicki or Cardi because things like this shouldn't be happening at public events it's both humiliating and ghetto especially when only Cardi has an beef with someone who has said openly there is no beef. I just don't get why Cardi B would allow herself to be dragged into something without getting real receipts that Nicki Minaj is hating on her like girl come on stop being ghetto and rachet for a minute and be grown about your shit to find out from the accused hater before lending a opinion on he character. #YouLookDumdAf.

It's sad that people in media and the music industry tries to pin two women against each other who both are talented artists in the same genre and also who are doing great in their careers. Whoever started this Nicki Minaj vs Cardi B beef shit needs to be slapped in the face because it's stupid and childish af to create an issue with these women who don't even know each other personally but have only one of them feeling some type of way about the other woman LOL don't you see how childish and ignorant that sounds and looks? Like damn it's hard enough for women to gain respect due to the image some women put on themselves so why make it worse with this fake beef shit? it's pointless and I see it not getting any better.


I do look up to Nicki both as a rapper and fashion icon, in which I know a lot of other women feel the same that I have seen on Twitter and IG for myself in her comments. I look up to her as a rapper because I decided to start writing raps and rapping when I was first introduced to her music and although I don't rap much anymore for no real reason at all I still write raps that are similar to Nicki's rap style because it's all about her delivery, flows and punchlines. As far as her being a fashion icon it's inspiring to see the versatility in her wardrobe because I to like to play around with colors and styles when I buy my clothes and she is to fly in anything she wears whether it's a gown or some jeans I will always love what fashion choices she makes, Nicki knows her shit when it comes to good fashion sense.

I agree she is the Queen of rap, since she stepped into the rap game she has made headlines and broke records with her album sales. She does rap in a way that no other female MC has done it and is humble about it even though she clearly teases her fellow female MC's in her music it's not to belittle them it's to empower them so they can step they rap game up and be winning like she is #ThatsIt. She has sold over 65 k albums worldwide and now has the number one trending radio show on Apple music, she has one of the biggest fan bases of any female artist and has gained the respect of fellow rappers both male and female for never changing who she is because of becoming to rich/famous this woman is one of the most humble in the rap game, so this weak bitches who want to come for her need to take notes and deliver in a way that becoming of the title Queen.

Thank you so much for reading today and follow me on social media my profiles are in the About me section on the toolbar. I hope that Nicki see's this and knows just how much of an inspiration she is to me in a general since.

#NickiTalk #FashionIcon #QueenOfRap #MyFavoriteRapper #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad



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