Hello Fashionistas,

Today is a bitter sweet day for football this week for two reasons that I will get into later in this post. I keep forgetting to take my gameday pictures before work LOL but I will reshare some of my favorites form the previous weeks, of me and my cute little family. Football is a huge deal for us and we always wear our team gear for each game all day until the game is over, we get hype and cheer our team on outloud yelling when there is a crappy call and screaming when we get a touchdown or interception play we are super passionate about out Denver Broncos. We even have our own gameday chant or catch phrase if you will LOL “Today is Bronco day, today is Bronco day ahhhh” LOL we do a little shimmy dance and get ready for the game football brings us together and is a tradition to watch the game as a family, even though I work majority of the team during games I still keep up with the game with post notifications from the teams Twitter profile and my husband will text me game updates.


Thursday night football: Dolphins vs Texans 42-23 Texans win

Sunday football

Broncos vs Chiefs 30-23 Cheifs win 😩

Eagles vs Jaguars 24-18 Eagles win

Ravens vs Panthers 36-21 Panthers win

Browns vs Steelers 33-18 Steelers win

Seahawks vs Lions 28-14 Seahawks win

Buccaneers vs Bengals 37-34 Bengals win

Jets vs  Bears 24-10 Bears win

Redskins vs Giants 20-13 Redskins win

Colts vs Raiders 42-28 Colts win

49ers vs Cardinals 18-25 Cardinals win

Packers vs Rams 29-27 Rams win

Saints vs Vikings 30-20 Saints win

Monday night football: Patriots vs Bills 25-6 Patriots win

Today the Denver Broncos Manager John Elway addressed the media today about trading one of the Broncos best Widerecievers Demaryious Thomas for the Texans sixth and seventh draft pick, Demaryious was a very effective player on the team and he will surely be missed by his teamates, Broncos staff and his Bronco fans worldwide. It’s hard to believe that he will no longer be on the Broncos, I thought it was all a media hoax but when I saw the love media confrence streaming on Twitter this morning I almost passed out at work.
Let me take a moment to reflect back on his career stats with the Broncos:

60 recieving touchdowns
9,055 recieveing yards
665 receptions
5 consecutive pro bowls
36 career 100 yard recieving games
115 longest active games played and 104 starting game streak of any NFL widereciever

Not only is he one of the best widerecievers in the NFL he is highly respected, he is a great man on and off the field bringing smiles to fans, other NFL players and always taking part in helping the community whenever he is given the opportunity to do so. Demaryious on behalf of me and my Broncos loving family we will truly miss you and even though you will be playing for a different team we will always be your fans, and you will remain our favorite widereciever thank you for all you have given our Broncos starting with SUPER BOWL 50 which we went to the tailgate to watch all the way from Compton CA we hoped that we would have had a chance to meet you Von Miller and Peyton Manning but we had to leave before the team exited the stadium and still to this day hope that dream will come true someday. Good luck on your new team, we wish you the best in the remainder of your career and we know you will do great things for them as you did for the Broncos.

Thank you for reading today

#Gameday #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad #BroncosForever #TeamSpirit



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