Hello Fashionista, I'm so happy to be back sharing here with all of you, work has been insane but I had to return to what I love which is blogging. Since Covid-19 struck worldwide everyone has been stuck at home with so many companies having to close down due to the unsafe spread of the virus. Which also meant that professional sports would also have to close down their gameday facilities, but now that there have been guidelines and rules put into place by the CDC and the government officials sports slowly began to make a come back. Professional athletes were caught off guard when they found out they had to play each game without real fans being in the stadium to cheer or boo them along on gamedays, but I love that stadiums have made cardboard cut outs of the fans who bought tickets to games before the virus ruined everything worldwide. I'm so happy to announce that football is finally here and I need to go back to sharing all my gameday OOTD posts and score with injury report...