Fashionista Style Profile#2: Inside My Fashionista Wardrobe
I have a very unquie sense of fashion and I'm proud to be a budget fashionista, because I still find cute clothing, heels, sneakers, jewelry and even handbags. I have put together a few looks that I wanted to share with my fashion dolls today so check them out and I hope that they can inspire some of you to try new things to make it your own, because all fashionistas are uniquely made ladies :-D...
This is what I call casually dressy lol, because I'm wearing dark gray leggings paired with a yellow and dark gray striped dressy top, Shoes: Gray glittery and black mini loafer sneakers.I found this top at a cheap little store in LA and bought 2 one in this color, but the other top is red with dark gray lol.
If I had to describe my style in one word it would have to be versatile, because I wear a few different types of styles depending on what outfit gets paired together with what type of shoes? lol and then the cute outfit has been created. Sometimes wearing heels isn't an option, but I do try to wear them when I can since there are so many of them in my closet. I don't normally wear yellow but this light shade made me want it and then so did the red one lol.

I take all my own pictures, because my digital camera isn't a good one so this camera phone works just fine to take my pictures, but I am going to try to upgradeon my digital camera so I can have better photos to post for my fellow fashion dolls. The shoes that I paired this red and dark gray casually dressy trend with were sneakers with like colors from my clothes, my sneakers were striped red and black with some gray in. The jewelry I used for both styles were dark silver hoops, dark mixed with regular silver braclets to make it a cute mixture of silver toned jewelry.
Hair style: My hair is easy to curl all I have to do is wet my hair and put hair gel in it creating the curls, then I put it in a pony tail instead of wearing it down like the first photo.

I paired a brown (with lace backing) tank top with my striped parachute pants. Shoes: Tan brown flats matching the tan on the pants, Jewelry: Silver blue glitter hoops, gold with diamonds & leopard print bracelets. I decided to go with two different tones of jewelry, because the hoops were just meant to bring out the blue and the gold brings out the tan and brown colors. Gold goes best with brown and so is red, but that wouldnt have worked for this look. I think this would be labeled like a casual look, because it's nothing fancy or dressy just something to look cute and feel pretty, but still be comfortable. These days I don't wear eye shadow as much, but I use to wear eye shadow a lot and majority of the time I would mix two colors, but the first color would be on the eyelid and the second color right above that.
Example Of Make-up: color#1 dark brown color#2 light brown color#4 blue. I only added the light brown to blend with the dark shade if you want to make it lighter.
A printed one side shoulder shorts romper its gray, brown and kinda purple I think lol. Shoes: dark brown leather sandles, Jewelry: Two tones of bracelets black/silver and black /silver flat diamond balled small hoops. This is good to wear during the summer and this when I took this photo lol, because this years summer heat was max hot and LA gets to like the 90's or higher sometimes #not-cut-to-sweat lol. Yeah I'm full of spunk and a good person nothing like being silly sometimes. Being young and having kids is a challenge, but life is about getting life on the right track and doing the right thing following what ever it is you believe in not letting people bring you down.

I love leopard print and this tank top is ruffley waves in the front with a mesh/silk tan backing. I paired it with my black leggings. Shoes: Tan brown flats flatsor or dark brown leather sandles(depending on the weather), Jewelry: Gold with diamonds and leopard print bracelets and bright red hoops. This is one of my favorite prints and comes in a varitey of colors so it's cute to match that with this print. Hair: Wet curls done with hair gel and slicked down some at the top, but its wavey curls on top, it doesn't take much to get my hair curly since it's naturaly like that already :-D.

Peach cut sleeves long sleeve dress. Jewelry: Silver/ dark silver bracelets with silver light pink balled big hoops. Shoes: dark tan brown strappy open toe multi color print wedges. This picture was taken at a dinner banquet my Dad was given an award. I also wore it when I graduated Jan 2012 from trade school completing an eight month medical billing program and it was the best feeling to walk across that stage passing by my family to sit with the rest of my fellow members class of 2012, which included: Mom (Mary) Dad (Paul) Auntie (Paulette) Uncle:(Bob) Fiance' (Tony) Son (Drayton), Graduating with my fiance' there was amazing and seeing him holding Drayton on his shoulders when I walked past them Tony walking up to me and giving me a kiss on the lips infront of the whole crowd who call chanted "Awww" when we kissed lol. This dress made me feel pretty and when people I've known since I was little saw me at the banquet they didn't recognize me at first with this look.
Red shiney silver zebra print love cut out backing and cut out low neckline top with a black lace backing tank top underneath it. Pants: Tan cloth streach skinnies with T belt (for tony), Jewelry: Black/silver small hoops with black and silver bracelets. Shoes: Black canvas red/blk striped with gray sneakers. I was trying to go for a casual dressy look with this look and this is my shout out photo to my fiance' Tony lol, because this photo was taken for him to send in a picture message :-D #luv-my-fiance'. Being a versatile fashionsita is benefical, because no matter what I wear theres always a fashion statement made with each uniquely created look that starts my own trends. I have casual, casually dressy, dressy, casual and whatever styles and looks that I always seem to match my jewelry with but that depends on if I feel like putting on hoops, studs or not wear any at all with my style selection.
Yeah Denver Broncos! That's my team and I had to get this shirt when I went on a date with my fiance' at knotts we had so much fun that day getting on all the rides looking in the stores and buying matching leather bracelets saying 10-20-11 on them (when we became a couple). I don't down anybodies favorite football teams, but it seems like several people we come around hate on my team lol but my finance' and I are ultra Bronco's fans standing by our team no matter what, My son has his own Broncos beany that he likes to wear sometimes lol. We got a great team and with our record at 8-3 this year we are only getting closer to taking it all the way to the play off games wininning games that other people think we wont. #Broncos-are-#1 ! #Dnt-hate-appreciate-the-skills.

This is a winter casual look a black halter top shirt paired with jean light gray skinnies. Belt: White rocker square shape belt, paired with black and brown striped scarf. Sunglasses: Royal blue big lens shades. Shoes: Black sneakers, boots or sandles (depends on weather). I use to wear scarfs a lot back when I took this picture lol and this winter I'm bringing back my scarf trend, but unfortunately this wasn't my scarf it was a friends so I don't have it anymore :-(, but I bought my own collections: Brown striped cut ends scarf, black/silver glitter scarf, pink wool scarf and pink knitted scarf. and thats a lot of scarfs seeing as I just started building up my collection lol.
Well that was a sneak peak into my own wardrobe and I hope you liked what you saw lol, because there will be more new looks coming soon making sure that they get posted right after their taken hahaha. When seeing my wardrobe what comes to your mind? I have several different styles of dressing heres the list of them: Casual, dressy, casually dressy and sophisticated dressy depending on my shoe style choice lol. Hope you enjoyed this fashionista style profile#2 inside my personal wardrobe. PINKBARBIE <3

If I had to describe my style in one word it would have to be versatile, because I wear a few different types of styles depending on what outfit gets paired together with what type of shoes? lol and then the cute outfit has been created. Sometimes wearing heels isn't an option, but I do try to wear them when I can since there are so many of them in my closet. I don't normally wear yellow but this light shade made me want it and then so did the red one lol.

I take all my own pictures, because my digital camera isn't a good one so this camera phone works just fine to take my pictures, but I am going to try to upgradeon my digital camera so I can have better photos to post for my fellow fashion dolls. The shoes that I paired this red and dark gray casually dressy trend with were sneakers with like colors from my clothes, my sneakers were striped red and black with some gray in. The jewelry I used for both styles were dark silver hoops, dark mixed with regular silver braclets to make it a cute mixture of silver toned jewelry.
Hair style: My hair is easy to curl all I have to do is wet my hair and put hair gel in it creating the curls, then I put it in a pony tail instead of wearing it down like the first photo.

I paired a brown (with lace backing) tank top with my striped parachute pants. Shoes: Tan brown flats matching the tan on the pants, Jewelry: Silver blue glitter hoops, gold with diamonds & leopard print bracelets. I decided to go with two different tones of jewelry, because the hoops were just meant to bring out the blue and the gold brings out the tan and brown colors. Gold goes best with brown and so is red, but that wouldnt have worked for this look. I think this would be labeled like a casual look, because it's nothing fancy or dressy just something to look cute and feel pretty, but still be comfortable. These days I don't wear eye shadow as much, but I use to wear eye shadow a lot and majority of the time I would mix two colors, but the first color would be on the eyelid and the second color right above that.
Example Of Make-up: color#1 dark brown color#2 light brown color#4 blue. I only added the light brown to blend with the dark shade if you want to make it lighter.
A printed one side shoulder shorts romper its gray, brown and kinda purple I think lol. Shoes: dark brown leather sandles, Jewelry: Two tones of bracelets black/silver and black /silver flat diamond balled small hoops. This is good to wear during the summer and this when I took this photo lol, because this years summer heat was max hot and LA gets to like the 90's or higher sometimes #not-cut-to-sweat lol. Yeah I'm full of spunk and a good person nothing like being silly sometimes. Being young and having kids is a challenge, but life is about getting life on the right track and doing the right thing following what ever it is you believe in not letting people bring you down.

I love leopard print and this tank top is ruffley waves in the front with a mesh/silk tan backing. I paired it with my black leggings. Shoes: Tan brown flats flatsor or dark brown leather sandles(depending on the weather), Jewelry: Gold with diamonds and leopard print bracelets and bright red hoops. This is one of my favorite prints and comes in a varitey of colors so it's cute to match that with this print. Hair: Wet curls done with hair gel and slicked down some at the top, but its wavey curls on top, it doesn't take much to get my hair curly since it's naturaly like that already :-D.

Peach cut sleeves long sleeve dress. Jewelry: Silver/ dark silver bracelets with silver light pink balled big hoops. Shoes: dark tan brown strappy open toe multi color print wedges. This picture was taken at a dinner banquet my Dad was given an award. I also wore it when I graduated Jan 2012 from trade school completing an eight month medical billing program and it was the best feeling to walk across that stage passing by my family to sit with the rest of my fellow members class of 2012, which included: Mom (Mary) Dad (Paul) Auntie (Paulette) Uncle:(Bob) Fiance' (Tony) Son (Drayton), Graduating with my fiance' there was amazing and seeing him holding Drayton on his shoulders when I walked past them Tony walking up to me and giving me a kiss on the lips infront of the whole crowd who call chanted "Awww" when we kissed lol. This dress made me feel pretty and when people I've known since I was little saw me at the banquet they didn't recognize me at first with this look.
Red shiney silver zebra print love cut out backing and cut out low neckline top with a black lace backing tank top underneath it. Pants: Tan cloth streach skinnies with T belt (for tony), Jewelry: Black/silver small hoops with black and silver bracelets. Shoes: Black canvas red/blk striped with gray sneakers. I was trying to go for a casual dressy look with this look and this is my shout out photo to my fiance' Tony lol, because this photo was taken for him to send in a picture message :-D #luv-my-fiance'. Being a versatile fashionsita is benefical, because no matter what I wear theres always a fashion statement made with each uniquely created look that starts my own trends. I have casual, casually dressy, dressy, casual and whatever styles and looks that I always seem to match my jewelry with but that depends on if I feel like putting on hoops, studs or not wear any at all with my style selection.

This is a winter casual look a black halter top shirt paired with jean light gray skinnies. Belt: White rocker square shape belt, paired with black and brown striped scarf. Sunglasses: Royal blue big lens shades. Shoes: Black sneakers, boots or sandles (depends on weather). I use to wear scarfs a lot back when I took this picture lol and this winter I'm bringing back my scarf trend, but unfortunately this wasn't my scarf it was a friends so I don't have it anymore :-(, but I bought my own collections: Brown striped cut ends scarf, black/silver glitter scarf, pink wool scarf and pink knitted scarf. and thats a lot of scarfs seeing as I just started building up my collection lol.
Well that was a sneak peak into my own wardrobe and I hope you liked what you saw lol, because there will be more new looks coming soon making sure that they get posted right after their taken hahaha. When seeing my wardrobe what comes to your mind? I have several different styles of dressing heres the list of them: Casual, dressy, casually dressy and sophisticated dressy depending on my shoe style choice lol. Hope you enjoyed this fashionista style profile#2 inside my personal wardrobe. PINKBARBIE <3
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