Hello fashion dolls,

I have been still trying to come up with new post series topics, then I realized that it’s been awhile since I shared must have fashion and today is the day I do. So I put together two Polyvore sets of four different trend styles and ladies you will be inspired, to take a fashion risk with me πŸ’ͺ🏽✔️.
For awhile I have been vowing to take more fashion risks, if you’ve been reading my posts or following me on social media, you see just how versatile my style really is. Within the next few weeks I will be preparing some content to share with you and I’m so excited for you to see what I have planned πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ’ͺ🏽. #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad #Polyvore


I love fashion and that’s what motivated me to go enroll into a fashion program, it was fun and the hurdles came I finished my Fall semester with decent grades. I miss it and want to go back, but there is so much going on that is on hold for awhile. A few things I learned along the way in my fashion entrepreneuership, is with each new season comes both new clothing and color scheme trends that will inspire new looks; My goal is to take a fashion risk and will give you the inside view.

I’m from LA and the weather has been hot lately and it gets cooler at night, so I paired styles for any weather conditions that I seek to put together with my own unique twists. With holidays here one day and the next thing your on to another holiday, I have a shopping haul video coming up with a private campaign so I will be sure to share that with you and maybe vlog shopping 😁. I’ve realized a lot of the current trends are influencing the way I seek to dress from one unique style to another, and they show off my unique edge and stylish chic #TakingFashionRisk.     

The sweater addiction is real πŸ€ͺ lately I have been seeing so many cropped, woven, and knitted sweater tops that it influenced me to take my second fashion risk putting my own twist on this style. I  will pair this colorfulness in my styles and will share that inside view with you as well. You know I love wearing heels, but I’m not always going to wear them, because my sneaker/boot addiction kicks in to πŸ˜‚ so you never know what type of shoes I will pair.


I also love to trend forecast fashion, beauty, shoes, colors and will be diffinitely pairing these colors into my wardrobe. Every style is unique in it’s own way and one thing I will be sure to do when I put together my looks is use this color pallette and pair the perfect shoes to rock the look even more.



I will play with shade and hue of the colors, pairing them perfectly and keeping my diverse stylish chic. It will be refreshing to finally take fashion risks after all the anticipation from times in the past I delayed actually taking a fashion risk, but here I am with the best opportunity for me to finally accomplish that. The inspiration I get from colors that influence my style are unique, because color represents you and shows off a fun side of you.

Thank you for reading today, I miss doing these posts and promise to create more along with the haul   updates I will be doing soon as well. I look forward to inspiring you to take fashion risks to, share your fashion risks with me and I will showcase them on social media, I would love to see what fly looks you fashionistas put together . #TrendyInspirationForecasting
Feel free to leave your comments, your feedback is important to me reach out and let me know how I’m doing, if you enjoy or don’t enjoy something. Stay blessed and keep God first, Philippians 4:7 says And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your heats and minds through Christ Jesus and Ecclesiatstes 3:13 says And also that every man should eat and drink, enjoy the good  of all his labour it is the gift of God. 

#FashionistaStyling # FashionistaSquad #Trendforecasting #Polyvore 


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