Hello Fashionistas,

Today I want to share some Spring style for kids both girls and boys, I haven’t mentioned my kids in any posts in awhile and figured I would share some cute moments of my munchkins today, so keep your eyes open for those pictures. I love to dress my kids in unique and different styles, kind of similar to the way I dress and a key thing is matching pieces by color and patterns; so I searched for some cute Spring looks for my kids and I also looked for the newest toys for toddlers my kids would love.

My kids are growing up so fast Nevaeh is 3 and little Tony is 1, time goes by quick whwn your raising kids and I cherish every moment with my munchkins because before I know it they will be teenagers. Nevaeh is such a little diva LOL she likes make up, lip gloss, fashion and dancing but she has a tomboy side to she loves sports and can punch like she’s training for the UFC. Little Tony is a Mama’s boy but he loves cars/trucks, music, sports and music and can punch just like his big sister. They are so smart, showing me the new stuff they learned from the cartoons and videos I play for them everyday, because I think it’s important as their parents for me and Tony to teach them whatever we can before starting school and during their education from their ABC’s to counting numbers we will always teach our kids what they need in to know in life.










Nevaeh loves Barbies ! She already has at least 7 and of course like all little girls who love Barbie wants a lot more. When I was a little girl I had a lot of Barbies and want my daughter to grow up with a big Barbie collection, Barbie dreamhouse, big baby doll collection, have all the baby doll furniture she needs and a girly powerwheel. Her favorite colors are pink and purple, she also loves glitter and sparkles just anything that makes her stand out in the crowd is fine by her LOL. 

Little Tony loves the Pj masks it’s his favorite cartoon right now and his favorite character from the show is Catboy. I want him to grow up with a big Hotwheels collection, playing the sports that he loves, a cool power wheel and all the army soldiers he wants. Since he likes Catboy from Pj Masks so much I think his favorite color is blue, he loves stuff that's loud so he could end up wanting to play an instrument growing up. My kids are both adventurous and enjoy playing outdoors, running around together screaming with happiness to be out having fun. 




Nevaeh and Tony have a close relationship and love each other so much, always laughing together when they play toys together. They give each other goodnight kisses before going to bed at night and hug each other when they wake up in the morning, it just makes me happy knowing that my kids have so much love for each other so young because strong sibling relationships are important and being close to your brothers and sisters is key to having a good family life. I love watching them grow up, I think thats why I have so many pictures of them LOL I don’t want to miss any moment that could be captured and they love the camera anyways sp it’s easy to snap pictures of them. 

Being a Mom is one of my top accomplishments in my life, it’s a challening job at times but I wouldn’t change it for anything ! My munchkins are my everything aside from my husband Tony of course LOL. But hands down the best thing I ever did was become a Mom and I love waking up every morning and cooking breakfast for my little family pancakes, eggs, sauceage, potatoes and cream of wheat #Mmmm. Having that one person to come home to everyday that loves me is an amazing feeling and I love Tony so much, he puts up with my sillyness and even my funky attitude LOL guess he really does love me πŸ’•πŸ˜. 

I hope you enjoyed what I shared today and gave you toddler OOTD inspiration. As a Mom with a daughter I love to play dress up with her style, because as a little girl I wanted to dress up like a princess and wear cute clothes. I want to dress Little Tony up like a mini verson of his Dad but at the same time give it a nerd twist with bow ties and suspenders every once in awhile. Keep God first and stay blessed.

#MamaLifestyle #KidsSpringStyle #BloggerMom



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