Hello fashionistas!,

Long time no blog, but I have so much stuff I want to talk about and share with you today that it will make up for all the lost time. So please excuse the long break I have taken from posting, I’ve been dealing with some personal challenges lately that have clouded my mind from time to time and I needed the break I took to gather myself, so that I can bring you the same quality content I have been for some time now. Life seems to be showing me that although time is the only thing we all have no control over, we all need to get our shit together, because the end days are upon us and a lot of people are blind to the fact that it’s a real thing trust me the BIBLE doesn’t lie ladies.

On a fashion note, I recently discovered that one of my favorite apps POLYVORE is no longer a workable app and has sold out to another company, that doesn’t allow you to create sets of items the way POLYVORE did and I have to admitt that it makes me a little sad LOL. I loved POLYVORE and will miss creating sets of items to show you, but I have come up with numerous solutions to the problem that will work just as good as POLYVORE did. I would love to pitch my thoughts to the creators to convince them to bring the app back LOL I can be pretty convincing when I want something bad enough LOL so I will try my best to figuer that all out and will update you on it.





Of course when Spring arrives, you think about the colors and patterns that can make your style pop. For me I love color and floral for this time of the year, with soft shades to bright pops of colors I’m here for it and will surely be adding some of my own styles that fall into these characteristics. I guess you can say that I love to stand out in a crowd when I style my outfits whether it’s Spring or Winter LOL, so it’s no surprise that I am attracted to the items in my collages, but one thing is for sure I’m super super versatile with what I like. I’ve always been a minimalist when it comes to how much jewelry I wear my OOTD, because to much jewelry can overpower the look and be to flashy in a bad way, so typically I wear two or three bangle bracelets with  a necklace and earrings or leave out one piece of jewelry to be super minimal with my accessories. 

I also am a big lover of cute crop tops now, big shocker right? I use to always feel uncomfortable with not wearing a tank top underneath my crop tops, but now I’m like fuck it ! Take a risk and ditch the tank tops underneath to let it all go, no more playing it safe I will continue to dress out of my comfort zone to a certain extent and be a risky budget fashionista with great style LOL. Fashion is a big passion of mine and seek to have my own clothing line someday and I know deep in my heart it’s a challenging task but I know this is the industry for me to shine, so I will in time make my dreams come true. 

I want to thank all of you fashion lovers for riding with me through this fashion journey I call my budget fashionista life LOL, without you ladies IDK how I would even share my talent and love for fashion and thanks to the social media platforms I use there are more women across the country for me to reach. THANK YOU FASHION DOLLS SO MUCH ! Positive support and genuine love makes the world go round and if more people spread that with more love the times we live in wouldn’t seem as harsh and I strongly believe it would generate better people as a result. 

I hope you enjoyed what I shared with you today and have taken some inspiration from it in some way, it just takes that one person to share a cute idea to plant the seed and in this case that’s me LOL. Take fashion risks, love the skin your in and give no fucks about the haters they love something about you so keep slaying their life with your style 🤣. Stay blessed and keep God first.

#SpringStyleHaul #BudgetFashionistaLifestyle #Stylenista #LoveTheSkinImIn 



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