Hello Fashion lovers,

I know it's been awhile since I've posted and I'm sad this seems to be a continuing phase, but there are so many things going on in my personal life that unfortunately have kept me from posting the way I usually do, my promise is to do my best to stop allowing that to happen and I am a woman of my word, so there will be change. Summer is quickly approaching and so is all the hot fashion trends we all are going to be raving about within a few weeks from now LOL, do today I want will talk about all the cute Summer fashion trends I know your going to love as much as I do *insert smile and innocent giggle*.


The sun will be beaming and the heat waves will roll in, so what will I be wearing this Summer? Breathable and comfortable clothing that won't make me sweat like a pig in the hot Summer sun.

When I think about Summer color, patterns, open toe shoes, denim shorts and two piece sets come to mind. This year fashionistas everywhere will be styling in these trends, but as I always say take fashion risks it may seem like a fail but if you pair it right you won't have to worry about that at all.

Color: Pops of pink. yellow. green, purple, blue, red and orange
           Bright and pastel shades are going to be fun to play with this Summer

Patterns: Floral, jungle, fruit, stripes, checker board, polka dots, writing and pictures
               All shades of color goes with this trend and mixing it with other solid color is fun.

Denim: Distressed or not
             You need a good pair of denim shorts for the Summer it's a staple for this time of the year and having a cute denim skirt never hurt either LOL

Two piece sets: Prints, patterns. pop of color, sparkle and nude tone
                         whether skirt or shorts set your gonna need this in your Summer wardrobe for sure

Even the bathing suit trends are going to be amazing ! with high waisted bikinis, lingerie type styles and universal one pieces you can tie in numerous different ways. Summer 2018 will most likely be super hot due to the extreme cold weather we have had it's a huge possibility heat waves will hit record highs; I'm no weather expert just pay attention to the patterns we have year after year.

Shoes: Sandals, flats, heels and sneakers
            I believe all styles of sandals will be out and what fashionista doesn't like wearing heels during the Summer LOL. If wearing sneakers wear breathable socks it helps keep your feet from sweating so much and your sneakers will thank you since they wont smell like sweaty toes LOL.

I have some Summer shopping to do, as most of my stuff  doesn't fit me anymore so I will style some looks and be sure to share them with you #SummerLooks. What's your Summer wardrobe staples? Mine are denim shorts, cute dresses, tank tops, graphic tees and colors because it's all about having fun with fashion.

Like I said before, I'm going to work on posting more so keep a look out for new posts. For Mother's Day this year I put together a cute outfit with pump heels, I love the colors on my skirt and how it pairs with the top. That look is one of my favorites this year and be sure to bring more cute looks coming up soon, that I'm excited about because it's been awhile since I've shared some of my style posts and I want to come back with a fashionable bang ladies #FashionistaStyle.
Continue to take fashion risks mixing or matching your going to put together a cute style and be like your walking on a runway all day LOL. Stay blessed and keep God first.

#FashionForecasting #StyleSquad #FashionistaStyling #Mother'sDayLook #LatePicShare



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