Hello fashionistas,

Growing up I remember spending the night at my Aunt's house in the high desert every year for Christmas, we would pack up our presents/luggage into our van. We would go next door to my Uncle's parents house for Christmas Eve, we would eat dinner and play white elephant until everyone participating had a gift. But now times and traditions have changed, we spend the night at my parents have a pancake breakfast, open gifts finish making our dinner, eat during mid afternoon and get ready to attend other family gatherings.

Although we aren't traveling much this year, we recently took our kids on our first two family road trips on a bus and with the Holidays bqsically here I felt this would be a good idea to share my tips/advice on traveling with kids and I believe these would work for a trip in a bus, car or plane. As parents of young toddlers you can't help but be a little weary about traveling for a significant amount of time with them on the road or on a plane. Toddlers get restless sometimes when they are sleepy and when they need to be seated for a long time strapped into their car seats that can cause some crasy things to happen LOL.


We have luggage but I want to replace all of our suticases with nicer ones so I went on a onlune wearch hunt for exactly what we would need. The luggages in this post are what we looked at and will be hopefully getting these exact ones for our next trip. So I will break down everything your going to need to bring with you to have a comfortable and smooth trip with your kids and even give you tips on what to do if your child gets restless and has a temper tantrum while on the road.


Travel pillow

PACKING TIP: Headphones for listening to music or watching Netflix, so you can have time to yourself when the kids are either distracted by their iPads or taking a nap.


PACKING TIP: Power banks to charge phones or ipads. Flix bus has charger outlets on the bus but not all of them work so if your traveling with them your going to need one or two of these. 


PARENT TIP: Make sure to bring yourself a blanket to, you may want to sleep while they do just so you can keep up with their energy once they wake up from napping. Bring hand sanitizer a lot of stuff on thesr buses look clean but really hold a lot of harmful bacteria and kids like to touch everything dirty it seems to be their favoeite thing to do LOL and have hand lotion for dry skin after the hand sanitizer dries off. 

What you need to keep the kids entertained
When we went to Las Vegas we took the Flix bus which was a 5 hour ride and the kids haven't ever been on a bus ride for that long before and I was a little worried how that would play out. So I made sure I brought stuff for them to entertain themselves with and other items in case they fell asleep during our ride. I also brought the iPads and headphones with us so they can watch Netflix, play games and watch YouTube, because my kids love video games so they will sit there with their iPad and have fun for awhile. We found these really cute emoji power banks so we got both kids one for their iPads and cool headphones to not annoy anyone with their videos they keep repeating LOL.

PACKING TIP: Be sure to pack coloring books, crayons and writting paper in case the kids feel like making a colorful picture for you.



PACKING TIP: Bring toys that you know the kids will want to play with the most, so they dont lose interest in them to quickly.

Bring snacks and something to drink
We brought a insulated lunch bag to out our snacks and drinks into so they could stay cold longer. 
*Chocolate chip cookies
*Gummy bears
*Gold fish
*7 eleven sandwiches

Have nap time essentials if the kids fall asleep
My kids take routine naps daily and get sleepy after awhile so I had to bring blankets for them to cover up with when they fall asleep and I need to get them some travel pillows to have. 


PACKING TIP: I pack sweaters and a extra set of warm clothes in case of any accidents or cold weather. The bus can get cold at times so I make sure they have a travel blanket, because they cant sleep comfortble without one. 


SUITCASE TIP: If your going on a long trip everyone needs their own suitcase packed but if your going on a trip that you know your not bringing a lot of clothes, getting a duffle bag on wheels to pack everyone clothes in always comes in handy. 


Our current suitcases are plain and kind of boring so I want to get a hars shell suitcase and it has to be super cute/pink LOL I would love to find a place that customizes luggage, because I would get our names put onto these nice ones. There are even sleeves you could purchase in Macy's that you can use to help you better identify your suitcase when you go to the baggage claim section. 


First thing I would do is verbally attempt to calm my son or daughter down by talking to them calmy telling them its ok, I know we are on a long ride but we cant get loud and disturb the other people so we need to stay quiet. I would give them a snack if they are hungry or give them a toy to play with when they get bored. I know how annoying it gets when you try everything to get your kid to stop yelling or crying so loud but as long as you remain calm then your kid will eventually stop that. 


My kids fell asleep on our trip to Vegas both times and I loved it becausr I watched Netflix, put on my makeup and listened to music while they took long naps. So that's why to me it's essential to have balnkets in your carry on bag to make the kids feel more comfortable to take a nap on the road. 


If the gift is fragile secure it inside a bag or suitcase so it wont move around and break. Also pack light items in carry on duffle bags or totes if its going to fit inside of it neatly and safely. Look into sending the gifts ahead of your trip so you wont have to worry about dragging them along with you during your trip, because sometimes accidents happen stuff gets broken and its nonrefundable or to late to be replaced on time for Christmas, so plan ahead and I suggest going to The UPS store for shipping items express in two business days.

Thank you for reading and continuing to read my posts, supporting my work and getting to know along this journey of fashion and lifestyle. I hope whatever way your traveling this Holiday season that you make it there safely and all of your loved ones as well, be safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Keep God first and stay blessed.

#HolidayTravelGuide #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad



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