Hello Fashionistas!,

I've been wanting to start doing yoga at home for years and last year I finally bought my mat and resistance bands, but this was all new to me so I found some good warm up workouts to do with my bands before doing some actual yoga stuff. This lasted about three days until I up it away just to be unused, but today I made the decision to get back to it because honestly I need to take better care of my body and get myself in shape. Today is dedicated to health and wellness, so I want to share the benefits of doing yoga routinely and this is partially the reason I need to develop my health and wellness routine with my vegan diet. 





Just 15 minutes a day can alter your brain chemistry and boost your mood

1. Improve flexibility and mobility

The beauty of yoga is that it can be practiced at all levels of ability and a few minutes daily practicing the following poses will soon have you really feel a difference in your flexibility whether you your pretty bendy already or not

*The warrior *Downward dog

2. Build strength

Daily practice will help stretch and tone your body muscles

3. Correct posture

Making you walk taller and sit up straighter

4. Better all around fitness

Yoga combines aspects of cardio, functional and strength training all in one

5. Weight loss

A daily practice will fuel the metabolic system and will help burn fat, leading to weight loss. Also can help restore the hormonal balance in your body, which can normalize your body weight

6. Cultivate self awareness

Routine yoga practices also strengthens the overall mind, body, connection and helps you deal more effectively with stress. By lowering the levels of cortisol which is the hormone being released when your feeling stressed.

7. Increase your energy

Yoga with it's unique synergy of body and breath work, is perfect when your reserves are running low. Will awaken the main energy centers called chakras. 

Some great poses for this are the tree and cobra poses.

8. Reduce stress

Even a short daily practice should be made up of three elements

1. Poses 

2. Breathing 

3. Meditation

Studies show that those who use all three elements are able to better lower their heart rate variability

9. Sleep better

Practice relaxing asanas or postures such as the following

*Forward fold: Utta asana

*Lying on your back with your feet up the wall, can calm both body and mind

10. Breath Deeper

Yoga breathing techniques are called pranayama, that focus on trying to slow down the breath and breathing fully from the pit of your stomach to the top of your lungs

These methods will help you feel more relaxed, balanced and also help you face the day with confidence and calm

11. Support your immune system

Yoga helps lower the level of stress hormones in your body and calms the nervous system

12. Be happier

A recent study has shown that regular practicing results in higher serotonin which is the happy hormone

13. Become more mindful

When doing yoga, you will shift your awareness to the sensations, thoughts and emotions that accompany a given pose. That awareness will bring the mind back to the present moment, which is the main aim of mindfulness.

14. Improve concentration

Poses and meditation require you to concentrate on your breathing. This process calms the mind and makes you more mentally relaxed , so your able to recollect and retain more information.

15. Think clearer

Improved cognitive function happens when we are able to clear and refresh our minds. Yoga also reduces physical tension that your muscles may be straining from.

16. Live longer

All the benefits of yoga may add valuable years to your life. Yoga reduces the risk of heart disease and reduces the pace of breathing which has been directly linked to a longer life span.

Today I didn't do any poses, I just did some warm ups from YouTube and a few exercises with the resistance bands. I have put together my health and wellness plan that I intend to start tomorrow and buy some of my vegan food so that I can share all of this with you ladies and keep an eye out for that. Thank you for reading and learning something about the benefits of practicing yoga, I think it's important to know the history and information about the fitness you choose to utilize to stay healthy.  Keep God first and stay blessed.



  1. I didn't realize the benefits that yoga actually has. I'm motivated to start the breathing techniques and poses....I'm new to the bands so I can't wait till the next article when you go into more detail. Thanks fashionista


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