Hello fashionistas,

This Summer has been hot humid fun, but my favorite part is the fashion and cute swim wear. I have spent a lot of time with family and friends, at parties fashion events even poker night  and being a Mom of two small kids sometimes getting to do things I want isnt always simple and as chaotic as things can get I wouldn't change it for anything, Summer has been amazing and I'm eager to see what the rest has in store. More fashion events are coming up and I am ultra impaitently waiting LOL I love meeting like minded fashionistas networking and making new cool fierce friends that slay is amazing.


I have become a much more versatile fashionista trying out looks/styles I wouldn't normally wear and  ended up really loving it. Crop tops are my new go to shirt now LOL I would have never attempted wearing one without a tank top underneath if it wasn't for me coming across Xehar curvy, yes I ttalk about Xehar a lot because they inspire me in more ways then just in fashion but self confidence as well. My inspiration for my Polyvore sets were simple colors confidence and fashion risks, these few things play a big part in how I dress and what clothes I buy. Of course heels are my thing LOL so what inspired me for that set was, the cute new styles I have seen other bloggers influencers and celebrities wearing that caught my fashionable eye, so open toe and strappy are Summer go to styles for me.


As women we are hard on ourselves and often times each other about body image, what we wear, how we look and the way we eat, The times we live in play a big role in the way we view ourselves when we are consistently told curves or thickness is abnormal but being skinny is how we should look. Photoshop always makes  models in magazines billboards even catalogs look to perfect when every woman has flaws whether it be strexh marks cellulite whatever it may be, but why cover it or hide it? False imaging creates low self esteem in teens/adults across the country who deserve to feel good about themselves love themselves and be confident in who they are/the way they look.

In the not to far past LOL I use to dislike a lot about my weight body image what I looked like and mainly how I viewed myself as a person inside and out. .I'm not a size 3 anymore I have mad stretch marks starting to see cellulite in my legs that wasn't there before and my belly still pokes out LOL with all those body flaws I still LOVE MYSELF and MY BODY it's ok not to be perfect not even these perfect models we see and follow on social media are prefect they have something they dislike about their bodies just like everyday women do.

My thing is this, curves and thickness are't abnormal or a crime! All shapes of women are created equal by no means should anyone be body shamed for it. Confidence in your body and personality effects self esteem and mental wellness never allow anyone to make you feel inferior because you don't look a certain way or meet their body standards their opinions should always be a NONFACTOR in your life. It took me years to embrace my body image dispite what critics and my own Mom were saying about me now all I do is πŸ˜‚ because it's irrelevant to how I feel and who I  am as  a woman of high confidence. I have always been a strong believer in being yourself and not trying to be someone your not whether it be a celebrity your copying or someone you know persoanlly being yourself is always best for you, because it keeps you happy.

I am a woman who talks a lot sensitive creative happy outgoing and semi funny jokester, but I am proud of who I am and what I do as a influencer nobody can knock me off my confidence. I have my moments at times where I get down on myself but quickly give myself a pep talk reminding myself that I am not only fabolous I am beautifully made and then Im back to savage confident meπŸ˜„.
No body shape or size is limited to fashion trends for example crop tops aren't just for skinny women with abs curvy women can slay in them to trust when I tell you its just as stylish, it's all about how you style and dress it up or down roxk it and show those critics how wrong they are.

Enjoy the rest of this lovely yet super hot Summer and continue to have but bw safe. I hope to inspire or touch someone with mt blog and if at any point I have done that for you plese feel free to share that with me via email check out my contact page at the top of the blog page. Stay body positive  confident and taking fashion risks πŸ˜„. Stay blessed and keep God first.




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