Hello fashionistas,
I recently talked about a private campaign I was doing, today’s post is all about that and the day I went shopping for my outfit and accessories I will share with you. I love to dress and for me that means wearing anything that makes you feel good heels or sneakers rock what you love, dress for yourself. I love fashion, wait until you see what I got πŸ’•.


I went to a clothing store I haven’t shopped at before, I look around pretty much one whole side of the store 🀣 and there was so much cute stuff I would buy. So I had to stick with a bodysuit with jeans style, I shared it in one of my previous posts check it out if you haven’t already and see for yourself how I styled my look. I love maroon and this color paired with the wash of my jeans was a perfect match πŸ‘πŸ½, there will be more to come stay tuned πŸ‘€.




Outfit and Accessories: Boomy Juniors + Plus size
Sneakers: Jordan Jumpman BG
Makeup:  Ulta Beauty and Walgreens

This is the cutest local store ever, I found so much inspiration for new looks in there and I look forward to sharing more with you within the next few weeks. I’m looking forward to doing my Holiday style looks to share as well, keep a eye out for that because those photoshoots will be coming soon πŸ‘€πŸ’―πŸ’•πŸ‘πŸ½. Now I follow them on Instagram, I will for sure be going back to shop there for another haul post and be sure to put together some super good looks for you to see. This was a private campaign, it was my idea to shop at this exact store, but the agreement was just shop where ever I wanted for a few items and share with my fashion dolls 😁 and I hope you like it.

Styling a look makes me feel good about what I’m going to wear, when my outfit is fly and I feel cute     it’s going to be a good day. If you’ve been following me awhile you already know my favorite color is pink, so it’s no surprise I have pink sunglasses 🀦🏽‍♀️πŸ’― I love the color on the lenses it blends perfect with that shade of pink and my rose gold hoops are the flyest ever ! #StylenistaSquad.
I love shopping so much I can look around a whole store and leave with at these 2-4 items, it’s hard to pass up cute affordable fashions so I have to leave a clothing store with something each time πŸ€ͺπŸ’―. Lately I’ve been more into makeup and was so happy to finally shop at Ulta Beauty leaving with new make up and brushes, next time I go there I’m for sire leaving with eyeshadow palettes, new brushes and brush cleaners. I love to do my makeup, since I’ve been doing it for awhile and watch some tutorials on Instagram and YouTube I’m getting better at having my makeup on fleek #GlamDoll.


I love myself all my flaws to, because the woman I am covers up any flaws that may be seen as  abnormal to some, I see it differently. Confidence is when you fully embrace your body and self image, because a woman who loves who she is are unstoppable and motivated to make a impact.
Self love tags a long with bosy image, because when you love your body regardless of size or shape it’s empowering in a way to embrace curves and stretch marks rocking it with strength πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ™‹πŸ½. Having swag is easy, put together unique styles how you want to wear it and not allowing someone else’s opinion to impact the way you style your look NEVER dress for someone else, dressing fly has to be about you and the way it makes you feel wearing it #ExpressYourself #TakeFashionRisks.

Everyone deserves to feel sexy and happy, so I hope that you really love yourself more then you show when your infront of people and it will attract the right people to walk right into your life #BeAware #GlowUp. I diffinitely felt sexy and cute in this outfit, my high waisted jeans made me look visibly slimmer and my body suit paired so good it made me feel comfortable, confident fashionista alert πŸ’―.
I was happy to get some new makeup, there will be some more makeup haul posts coming soon  within the next few weeks that I know your going to love πŸ‘€out for it and comment what eyeshadow  tutorial you would like to see me do next #ConfidenceIsStrength #ConfidenceIsEmpowering.

I also seek to empower you to embrace who you are and giving self love, embracing yourself is impactful because your showing the world your confidence and strength. Which attracts some good people to want to know you and be close to you for sharing your own journey with them that inspired them to do something empowering in their life. Ghank you for reading today, I hope you continue to come back to see what I share next πŸ€ͺπŸ’•πŸ’― please join me again for another post. Hopefully you enjoyed it and was inspired some how to take a fashion risk of your own that I hope you will share with me and if you do i will feature them on my Instagram page fashionistachrystal. Stay blessed and keep God first, 2 Timothy 1:7 says “ For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but goves us power, love, and self discipline”.


#FashionRisks #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad #BoomyApparel


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