Hello fashionistas,

Holidays  are coming up and it reminds me how fast time really does go by, so much has happened it’s hard to believe a new year is weeks away. With all the parites and family gatherings coming up I started to search for styles, there are different styles I feel are good for Holiday parties this year and because I style my looks with a twist you will see some looks that are super unique for the Holiday season.


It’s been cold lately just get a cute trench coat to wear and you won’t be freezing. During the Holiday season people tend to dress more flashy or dressy and sexier then usual, but since I like to take fashion risks I have put together a versatile group of styles for a different feel on Holiday styles. 
Compared to my Holiday style from 2016, this years Holiday style is my favorite because I really showed more of my personal style that I tend to keep hidden 🀦🏽‍♀️ But I’m happy I shared it with you, and don’t forget to bring a pair of flats to wear when your heels make your feet ache 🀣
As always I am looking forward to the food at these Holiday gatherings, I love eating at a big table with family the ham, dressing with gravy on top, and mac n cheese πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ€£. #SoGood


As a fashionista Mom with two small kids and a 7 year old, the Holidays is fun because I love to see how happy my kids get when they open up gifts Christmas morning and smile so big when they see what cool stuff they got πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ’• Nevaeh even loves to get chlothes, she is such a diva when it comes to fashion and I love how involved she is in picking out her own clothes when we shop it’s so cute, little Tony is only 1 yrs old so he just wants to rip the paper off to play with the toys he gets, and Drayton just wants to play his new video games; wouldn’t change it for anything, I love my munchkins, I will always make sure they have a good Christmas and have memories to last a lifetime.πŸ’―

Being a Mom is everything to me, my kids are all unique and have powerful personalities, I am so shocked to see how big they have grown Nevaeh and Drayton are so tall while little Tony is finally trying to walk time really flys. I don’t say that time went by fast because the end of the year has come because for me time really did go by so fast, I have been through so much this year it’s crazy to see it fly by so quickly but I have to admit I’m glad it’s coming to a end so that I can walk into more blessings #Amen. Family time is important to me, so I’m so excited to see my family for Christmas and eat with them laughing at their jokes πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ˜πŸ’• and my silly family will for sure have me laughing, because my Aunt and Mom are funny together.

Girl chat,
Ladies let’s talk Holiday shopping, I went Christmas shopping for the kids at a shopping center near by and the checkout lines were kind of long, surprisingly there was a lot of people shopping the day I went and people are rude. Rudeness seems to be a thing nowdays because so many people just don’t care that they are bumping into you in the store or if they are standing so close to you that you can smell their cologne #DontBeRude #DontBeSoClose. I love shopping but Holiday season is my least favorite time to go out shopping, but will for sure start using online to do all my Holiday shopping for future Holiday shopping, I will stick to going out shopping for essentials to save money on bus trips and save time going out to take the slow ass bus.
I find myself really loving make up right now, I’m usually not that into wearing it but nowdays I google it a lot and spend time browsing the Ulta Beauty website πŸ™‹πŸ½ I love makeup ! I really like the It Cosmetics foundation I got from Ulta it makes my skin look flawless covering my blemishes perfectly and protecting my skin from the harmfulness of the sun; I need to get the rest of my makeup from my mother inlaws house and promise to make more makeup tutorials for my YouTube channel. Ulta Beauty will be my new bestfriend, my birthday is coming up and my husband will be buying me makeup from Ulta πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ˜πŸ’• and I will be sure to share that with my birthday dinner OOTD next month; damn my birthday comes to fast when a new starts 🀦🏽‍♀️ I’m rushed into it 🀣 just joking I’m grateful to God for my birthday and to see another birthday at all.

Are there any new obessions you have that you weren’t that into before? Share them with me in the comments, let’s get to know each other better, I would love to know more about my fashion dolls.

Thank you for reading today, I hope you enjoyed it. Spreading a little Holiday cheer with some Holiday style inspiration to hopefully help you decide what to wear to your gatherings, fashionistas should inspire and motivate each other. I will keep taking fashion risks into the new year and be sure to share every new look I style, because I love sharing with you and inspiration is kind of my thing 😁. Stay blessed and keep God first.


#HolidayPartyStyle #HappyHolidays #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad #TrendSetter


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