Hello Fashionistas,

Last night Downtown LA was transformed for one of the hugest events in the music world, because the Staples Center hosted the Grammy Awards and I was happy to get a chance to watch some of it live with my Mom. For sevetal years I stopped watching the award ceremony part of these types of events, but randomnly I will decide to watch it only if I remember it's coming on LOL there is always cartoons or video games on our TV at home so I usually just watch Netflix or blog which is what makes me forget the show is even coming on.
This year Alicia Keys was hosting and when she said "Can I bring out some of my sisters?" I didn't know who to expect would walk out on stage and as the four womanly figures came into view and I saw Michelle Obama standing there I was beyond EXCITED to see her, Over all I enjoyed watching it although after awhile the kids wanted to watch cartoons so we changed it for them LOL.

After I share my best and worst dressed on red carpet, I'm going to talk about some of my favorite and not favorite moments during red carpet and performances.


1. H.E.R

I love this jumpsuit It's colorful, chic and sparkly!. She looks stylish and I love that she paired a maroon colored clutch and her ring is hugely cute #LoveIt and I love that she keeps her hair natural.

2. Michelle Obama

I love her outfit it's chic, stylish and sparkly!. She looks amazing, it was great to see and hear from her #LoveIt #RoleModel. Those earrings are huge and very cute.

3. Alicia Keys
I've always liked her style since she began her career in 2001 from her music to her hairstyles I was 
a instant fan LOL. I had my hair braided like hers the way it was in the beginning of her career and
wish I had a picture of me rocking Alicia Keys braids, but I don't have one 🤦🏽‍♀️ I was in the 9th grade
when I had them put in.


4. Camila Cabello
Love the deep open back of this gown and the color with all that sparkle is perfect!. She looks great I love the way it hugs the curves just right.


5. Miley Cyrus
I love a good suit and this is definitely cute!. I'm happy to see Miley evolving into a young woman and to see that she is choosing more conservative styles instead of her typical odd looks. When she performed with Dolly Parton I really loved that sparkly flower suit she wore as well.


6. Ella Mai
I was so happy to see her in this gown! She looks amazing and the blue is very flattering on her lig 
skin complextion. I love her natural hairstyle and she looks very pretty with her hair straight 


7. Kacey Musgraves
I had no idea who she was before this aired, but her the dress is gorgeous, and she looks great. She performed her song Rainbow and recieved comments from Alicia Keys following that perfotmance about how beautiful the message in her song was.


8. Dua Lipa 
This dress is sparkly and gorgeous, she looks amazing in it.



1. Cardi B
I love that she brought bavk a vintage dress from 24 years ago, but it wasn't one of my favorites. For exanple I think the pearls on her head look like Ferrero Roche chocolates and the part that flows upwards looks like a coffee machine paper filter 🤣💯. It's a shame that Cardi who is typically dressed in elegantly stylish gowns or sexy dresses came looking like such a fool. 



1. Michelle Obama: I always have admired her as a educated woman, mother, wife and first lady and to see her back on TV after her husband Barrack Obama left office.

2. Post Malone performance: He was set to perform his hit single rock star and a song he collabed with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. It surprised me to see him singing instead of rapping when he first came out on stage but he has a great singing voice and I hope we get to hear more of it with uocoming music he will come out with.

3. Janell Monae performance: That was the first time I heard that song and I liked it. But all that latex was kinda intense LOL. 

Thank you for reading and following. I hope you enjoyed my thoughts on thr Grammys and I really enjoyed Alicia Keys as the host. Keep God first and stay blessed.

#Grammys2019 #RedCarpetFashion #FashionistaSquad



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