Hello fashionistas long time no post, share and talk
As you all know the last time I posted was during my pregnancy, but this time around I wanted to update you all on that and share precious photos as well. My original due date was Nov 7 2016, but my little man had plans of his own and decided to make his grand enterance ahead of schedule LOL I started to go into labor Oct 2016.
Welcome Tony Monte-Messiah Tweedie II 7 lbs 8 oz with a head full of jet black hair, no complications and very healthy. Our hadsome new addition to the family has made us so complete and happy it's hard to put into words every feeling we have. I feel blessed to have had my third child when I wasn't sure if I wanted to have another after having my daughter, but God has a different plan for my little family so I have to stay tuned in to stay in his lane #Amen. My baby boy is already 2 months old.
Nevaeh loves her little brother, she is super protective of him and always helps throw out his diapers, feeds him a bottle, gives him his pacifier, tries to burp him, even plays with him and sings to him daily LOL she is my little helper. My son Drayton lives with his Dad now so he hasn't had a chance to meet his little brother yet, but when he does I know he will be the same way he was with Nevaeh when she was a baby.
Life has changed drastically for the better and in some ways became a bit difficult but I wouldn't change my kids/my life change for ANYTHING or ANYONE, because I am giving every difficult issue/situation to God. 2017 is time for me to really devote my faith to studying the Bible and praying aften, because as a virtuous woman I cant do everything alone I need Jesus/God I'm no superhero.
One of my childhood friends was prego at the same as me odly we had the same due date LOL the same thing happened with another childhood friend when I was prego with Nevaeh, but this pregnancy we delivered our sons on the same day LMAO shout out to Tira love you ! <3. I love dressing Tony II although having another girl wouldve been awesome buying girly stuff, I wouldn't change him for anything.Keep God first and stay blessed.
#TonyIIFinallyHere #ThirdButFinalBaby #CompleteLittleFamily
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