Hello fashion dolls,
Today I came to the conclusion that, I needed to talk about something that is not only misunderstood, but under represented in the society we live in now, because the world's vision of beauty is selfish and judgemental, rather then realistic and welcoming. So if you feel anything like I do about body positivity this post is a must read for all fashionista's going through issues of loving her body.
I have been in love with fashion for years and have been putting together my style with a twist on current trends all while also creating my own trendsetting styles. When I first started this blog I was worried that I wasn't going to look good enough in my photos, because even though I wasn't over weight my lower belly was always poking out due to having babies LOL. But I only felt that way, because society has showcased beautiful as skinny women without belly poke out and I started to use stupid tricks to make my stomache look smaller in pictures by standing sideways and smooshing my stomache down with my hand furthest away from the camera.
I feel that people who body shame are under educated on what real women look like and need to be aware of all body types shapes and sizes, because all women are beautiful regardless. I use to struggle with calling myself fat or chubby, because even my own family was saying I was and since I have that belly poke out that felt right to me "admiting they were right". I am a 29 year old mother of 3 kids I'm not wealthy enough to get unwanted body fat surgically removed and I don't have the patience for going to the gym for workouts that's just not my thing, I am a everyday woman that struggles to eat healthier and keep my stomache poke out to a minimum LOL and keep myself in shape enough to chase after my little munchkins and for me thats doing enough.
Depending on how long you have been following my blog or any of my social media pages, you have seen my body transformation from what society calls normal into a curveacous figure. I am a brand ambassador for Xehar Curvy, but have been attending their events for 6 months so I've been a fan ever since I attended my first event with them. The message of being a confident you is truly inspiring to me, because having confidence in myself was another thing I have struggled with in my life and with the help of Xehar and the influencers who attend their events, my shell has cracked open and my low self esteem levels rised 😄 it's growth with a little Xehar push LOL.
Body positivity: Embracing your body shape and size no matter what that might be, your body is beautifully unflawed God doesn't make mistakes when he molds our shapes He knows exactly what He's doing consider yourself blessed ladies. All body shapes and sizes are sexy, believeing it is a challenge because of what people who are closest to us say even strangers opinions effect us and what images of beauty in media show us has us blinded even brain washed into believing we have to have a perfect body.
A confident you: Knowing who you are and standing strong in it, self love because you cant accept yourself without loving yourself and loving the way you look from your face to your body shape. Walking with your head held high because your self love and strength is so high nothing any critic or hater says can affect you. Stop worrying about these bodu shape stereotypes and live for YOU because living for SOCIETY doesn't benefit you it makes those critics feel better about themself keeping you down DON'T LET THAT BE YOU. You deserve better YOU ARE WORTH MORE.
All of this comes with strength and if your not strong enough or blocked off from negative and meaningless perepectives of how women should look, body positivity will continue to be a challenge. I have only began to break the surface of embracing all of me and it takes time to be completely 💯 there but I know that will happen for me, because I have enough self love and confidence to believe in myself to get to where I want/need to be. So join me ladies on this journey to embracing body positivity and eatch your confidence level rise higher then you could've ever imagined.
I will continue to push body positivity confidence and inspitation for women because so many beautiful souls have been lost to depression low self esteem and body shaming all due to under educated people making them feel inferior WHEN YOUR NOT. If you have nobody to talk
to in a loving way about what your struggling to overcome in these topics feel free to contact me via
email or social media all my info is on the about me page on my blog. Also I suggest going to sign up to their mailing list to be emailed about events special giveaways and shop their clothing or shoes.
Stay inspired keep God first and stay blessed
#BodyPositivityMovement #ConfidentYouMovement #SelfLove![]()
Today I came to the conclusion that, I needed to talk about something that is not only misunderstood, but under represented in the society we live in now, because the world's vision of beauty is selfish and judgemental, rather then realistic and welcoming. So if you feel anything like I do about body positivity this post is a must read for all fashionista's going through issues of loving her body.
I have been in love with fashion for years and have been putting together my style with a twist on current trends all while also creating my own trendsetting styles. When I first started this blog I was worried that I wasn't going to look good enough in my photos, because even though I wasn't over weight my lower belly was always poking out due to having babies LOL. But I only felt that way, because society has showcased beautiful as skinny women without belly poke out and I started to use stupid tricks to make my stomache look smaller in pictures by standing sideways and smooshing my stomache down with my hand furthest away from the camera.
I feel that people who body shame are under educated on what real women look like and need to be aware of all body types shapes and sizes, because all women are beautiful regardless. I use to struggle with calling myself fat or chubby, because even my own family was saying I was and since I have that belly poke out that felt right to me "admiting they were right". I am a 29 year old mother of 3 kids I'm not wealthy enough to get unwanted body fat surgically removed and I don't have the patience for going to the gym for workouts that's just not my thing, I am a everyday woman that struggles to eat healthier and keep my stomache poke out to a minimum LOL and keep myself in shape enough to chase after my little munchkins and for me thats doing enough.
Depending on how long you have been following my blog or any of my social media pages, you have seen my body transformation from what society calls normal into a curveacous figure. I am a brand ambassador for Xehar Curvy, but have been attending their events for 6 months so I've been a fan ever since I attended my first event with them. The message of being a confident you is truly inspiring to me, because having confidence in myself was another thing I have struggled with in my life and with the help of Xehar and the influencers who attend their events, my shell has cracked open and my low self esteem levels rised 😄 it's growth with a little Xehar push LOL.
Body positivity: Embracing your body shape and size no matter what that might be, your body is beautifully unflawed God doesn't make mistakes when he molds our shapes He knows exactly what He's doing consider yourself blessed ladies. All body shapes and sizes are sexy, believeing it is a challenge because of what people who are closest to us say even strangers opinions effect us and what images of beauty in media show us has us blinded even brain washed into believing we have to have a perfect body.
A confident you: Knowing who you are and standing strong in it, self love because you cant accept yourself without loving yourself and loving the way you look from your face to your body shape. Walking with your head held high because your self love and strength is so high nothing any critic or hater says can affect you. Stop worrying about these bodu shape stereotypes and live for YOU because living for SOCIETY doesn't benefit you it makes those critics feel better about themself keeping you down DON'T LET THAT BE YOU. You deserve better YOU ARE WORTH MORE.
All of this comes with strength and if your not strong enough or blocked off from negative and meaningless perepectives of how women should look, body positivity will continue to be a challenge. I have only began to break the surface of embracing all of me and it takes time to be completely 💯 there but I know that will happen for me, because I have enough self love and confidence to believe in myself to get to where I want/need to be. So join me ladies on this journey to embracing body positivity and eatch your confidence level rise higher then you could've ever imagined.
I will continue to push body positivity confidence and inspitation for women because so many beautiful souls have been lost to depression low self esteem and body shaming all due to under educated people making them feel inferior WHEN YOUR NOT. If you have nobody to talk
to in a loving way about what your struggling to overcome in these topics feel free to contact me via
email or social media all my info is on the about me page on my blog. Also I suggest going to sign up to their mailing list to be emailed about events special giveaways and shop their clothing or shoes.
Stay inspired keep God first and stay blessed
#BodyPositivityMovement #ConfidentYouMovement #SelfLove
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