Hello my fashionistas !,

I know it's been awhile that I've shared any OOTD's with you, but today I had to continue that and show you what my many summer styles are LOL. Although I'm a heels kinda girl, sometimes I just wanna wear somethig simple, casual and comfy for this insane heat, so with this OOTD you will see just that. I love doing these types of posts, because it can help inspire any of you fashionistas to try new trends or styles in your own way and let's continue that movement today.

LAST WEEKS OOTD (not sure what day I wore this)

For a few years I've wanted my own clothing line and recently started to cut up t shirts just as a starting point, to see how that would workout for me. I took a old Bob Marley t shirt my fiance' gave me a few years ago and cut it up, so here it is in this post LOL an offical Fashionista Chrystal redesigned shirt. This is the first time I'm sharing any of my cut up designs on my blog or social media.

This t shirt is one of my favorites, that I redesigned and I will be sharing the other shirts I cut up in later OOTD posts. This is one of casual relaxed styles for Summer, because although I want to look cute everyday I don't have to be over the top or dressy and this was one of those comfy go make up free type of hot ass days. Now I'm not model but I would love to learn to pose and have better facial expressions in ALL my photos, so if any of you are willing to meet up to teach me 1 on 1 and have lunch in LA please feel free to contact me by email or any of my social media pages.


Well besides attending fashion or beauty events, I've been doing a lot of online training to help me do what I do even better and learn new tricks of the trade a long the way 😁. I will be writting a book
very soon, but I won't spoil the milk to soon ladies by telling you when and about what just yet because I need to get everything in line/order before I share it with all of you.

Been looking for a photographer who needs to expand their portfolio that can shoot me, so if you know any please let me know or if you are that photographer contact me by email let's talk about it.

Paitently waiting to see if I won the Xehar clothing line competion, announcemnt of the winner is sometime this month amd I'm really excited about it,  I will be happy for anyone of the ladies to win

Enrolling back into school for FALL 2017 Fashion Merchandising classes, Aug 28th can't come fast enough LOL. I'm eager to get back because I miss some of the amazing people I met and so i can graduate on time, looking forward to slaying Fall semester with my fashion sense again.  

Stay confident, happy and fashionable ladies always taking fashion risks they will turn out to work after all just try it out. Stay blessed and keep God first, everything you go through is for a reason that God has planned for you stay the path keep your faith this to shall pass.

With love


#FashionistaSquad #Redesigner #OOTDSeries


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