Hello fashion lovers,

Lately I've been wanting to changes things up a bit on when it comes to the stuff that I post and today I would like to touch on a topic we all hear about on the news or even see in the streets of our own neighbors that has become a unfortunate epidemic for millions of people. I hope to shed a brighter light on this topic in which could and should lead to something being done quicker and more efficiently about this rising issue, so let's get started and I also have a short video I recorded from FOX 11 10pm news on this very issue that I will  include in my post that I think everyone needs to see and hear what is being covered up by the very system that's suppose to provide adequate services for every person living in the United States.


People often think that the homeless people we see on the street are gross, drug addicted alcoholics which lead them to becoming a homeless person, but nobody truly knows how many different types of homeless people there are because they believe the stereotypes before becoming educated on the topic itself.
It's unfortunate to see homeless people whether they be mentally ill or in their right state of mind anyone with a heart would feel sorry for them or sad for their living situations and realize they are people to and although we may have a roof over our heads, clean clothes and food on the table doesn't make us better then them.

What does homeless look like? It could be a family with three kids or a married couple with no kids or even a individual there is no correct answer for that question, because homeless can be someone right next to you and you wouldn't even know it since they don't "look homeless" you assume they aren't.
These days the cost of living in LA is expensive which in turn leaves so many homeless due to rental property owners raising the rent on apartments as much as $1300 for a one bedroom apartment now do you thing that's fair to families with one parent working a minimum wage job in a low income community? NO it's unfair.

I've been to Downtown LA where majority of the homeless population lives and talked to many of the people there, who look and seem capable of managing their own homes, but majority of them say the cost of living and availability of affordable housing is what made them homeless. Open your eyes and see homelessness is not a mentally ill issue it's a everyone issue and we must do something to change the world's outlook and make officials of the United States do something about it and change the homeless population so nobody has to sleep in parks or at bus stops in sweltering heat or freezing cold conditions with or without kids that's depressing facts that far to many people in LA have to endure every single day or even year for some.


564,708 people in the United States are homeless and according to a report done in January 2017 over half a million people are living in the streets, in cars, in homeless shelters or subsidized transitional housing.
Of that number 206,286 were people in families, 358,422 were individuals and a quarter of the entire group of homeless were kids so kids make up half of the homeless population.

83,170 individuals or 15% of the homeless population are considered to be chronically homeless. Chronic homelessness is defined as an individual who has a disability who has experienced homelessness for 1 year or more and a individual who has a disability who has experienced homelessness at least four times in the past three years.
Families with at least one adult member who meets that description are also considered chronically homeless. These people make up a small number of the homeless population, they are the most vulnerable and they tend to have high rates of behavioral health issues including severe mental illness and substance abuse that may be exacerbated by physical illness, injury or trauma.

47,725 or about 8% of the homeless population are veterans, this represents a 35% decrease since 2009. Homeless veterans have served in several different conflicts from WWII to recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, although Washington D.C has the highest rate of veteran homelessness in the nation 145.8 homeless veterans per 10,000. 1.4 million veterans are at risk of homelessness.
550,000 unaccompanied single youth and young adults the age of 24 experience homelessness episodes for longer then one week. 380,000 of that total are under 18 years old and accurately counting homeless youth is extremely hard and may work harder to blind in with other youth who aren't homeless.

830,120 year round beds are available in a range of housing projects about half of those beds are dedicated to people currently experiencing homelessness. These programs include

* Emergency shelters
* Transitional housing
* Safe havens

The other half of these beds are for recently homeless populations, rapid rehousing provides short term and medium term rental assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services to formerly homeless people experiencing homelessness.

As shocking as these statistics are there are so many organizations working to end homelessness in the United States and around the world, but so many aren't doing enough to help these homeless individuals or families to get off the streets and into permanent housing. What should be done? Those companies and business organizations willing/able to help fund housing projects should step out into the forefront and contribute to this worldwide epidemic.


LA county homelessness raises a staggering 23% as a need for housing reaches a new count

2015 + 2016: Unsheltered 31,025  in shelters 13,334 total= 44,359

More then 2 million households in LA and Orange counties have housing costs that exceed 30% of income, with medium rent increasing more then 30% from 2000-2015. Currently the medium asking price for rentals countywide is $1,995 for one bedroom apartments and $2,416 for all multi family  units.

A hopeful sign of homelessness is that making headway was the strong increase of homeless families being sheltered in homeless shelters or long term transitional housing. Though the population of homeless families increased by 31% within the last year those without shelter decreased by 21%.

County supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas said to the community "Put your war clothes on and get ready to fight"

2017: Unsheltered 25,237  in shelters 8,952  total=34,189

What do homeless people look like? Everyday people wearing moderate clothing and name brand shoes can be homeless, stop believing the false image of those people who are ignorant to the fact that not all homeless people are mentally ill who hear voices and see strange visions that only exist to them. Homelessness effects everyone and remember it can happen due to raise in rent, loss of jobs, loss of spouse due to death or abandonment and lack of affordable housing. Educate yourself on homelessness and volunteer in the shelters or apply for jobs in companies designed to help homeless populations worldwide stop being lied to and see for yourself.

Homelessness isn't a laughing matter so don't point or crack jokes on any of the types of homeless people I mentioned in this post, these people have hearts and just need help finding housing. Let's come together to end homelessness.
Homelessness programs lie to those currently homeless about services they are designed to provide them and send them away with a list of shelter resources that in turn give them no change in their living or lack thereof. Don't be fooled by these programs they help who they want and usually those individuals are corrupting the system by fraudulently stating they are homeless to get housing quicker, which makes it harder for the genuinely homeless population to gain the help they need.
I have witnessed this myself sitting in lobbies of these so called homeless outreach programs and talking with their clients angry sad and depressed they can't get the help  they deserve, please research these programs before thinking they WILL HELP.


#EndHomelessness #HomelessnessAdvocate #OpenYourEyesBeBlindNoMore


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