Hello fashion dolls,

Since I have been a little behind on posting about NFL games today is catch up day on that LOL, so bare with me as I recap the games and everything happening in that genre of sports. My passion for football goes beyond my love for the Broncos, football inspires me to not give up because hard work will always pay off kind of like wining a play off game.


Broncos vs Raiders: Broncos win 16-10

Packers vs Bears: Packers win 35-14

Saints vs Dolphins: Saints win 20-0

Panthers vs Patriots: Panthers win 33-30

Jaguars vs Jets: Jets win 23-20

Titans vs Texans: Texans win 57-14

Steelers vs Ravens: Steelers win 25-9

Bengals vs Browns: Bengals win 31-7

Lions vs Vikings: Lions win 14-7

Rams vs Cowboys: Rams win 35-30

Bills vs Falcons: Bills win 23-17

Eagles vs Chargers: Eagles win 26-24

49ers vs Cardinals: Cardinals win 18-15

Giants vs Buccaneers: Buccaneers win 25-23

Colts vs Seahawks: Seahawks win 46-18

Redskins vs Chiefs: Chiefs win 29-20

Last season the 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started to kneel during the national anthem in protest of police brutality and inequality for black Americans across the world and the team management refused to let him play in any games. Quickly his teammates and players from other teams verbally showed their support and by kneeling as well and it has continued into the 2017 NFL season, but having a much more deeper impact on the entire NFL and all fans of the sport as well.

It's unfortunate that the NFL has left Kaepernick a free agent this season for him it's bigger then football and the entire NFL he not only kneels but he has donated money to organizations to help support the cause. More and more teams continue to show support to Colin by kneeling, locking arms or the whole team staying inside the locker room until the national anthem is over and even some coaches joined in as well.

NFL players have been slandered by president Donald Trump who has publicly said the NFL should fire any and all players not standing for the national anthem and he has also stated that athletes are stupid, these comments have stirred up a huge controversy in the sports industry and with fans as well. Fans have shown both support and disapproval of players kneeling in protest some burning jerseys while others vent on social media, it seems to be a outrage. I for one am in support of Colin Kaepernick and all pro athletes protesting inequality across the world, there is no way in knowing that these acts of courage will change the cause at hand, but one thing is for sure kneeling and locking arms in support isn't going away for years to come.

Please NFL bring Colin Kaepernick back, he is a great quarterback and a very good role model for young men everywhere don't punish him or his fans for standing up for what he believes it. You should be proud you have someone like him playing for your company he is a good man on and off the field. I haven't always been so supportive of Kaepernick ever since they beat the Broncos for a super bowl, but he deserves to have his job back he has only shown positivity into a huge worldwide issue, why make one of your teams suffer without him? He has rights as a American to protest STOP BEING SELFISH GIVE HIM HIS DAMN JOB BACK!.

I usually show a brighter side of topics, but this was a issue I had to dive deep into because it's things like this that bring people together and as harsh, complex, horrible and unpredictable the world is anything that sheds a good light on a worldwide crisis is something I can get behind. Now days people would rather do bad then good for survival or because they can't help themselves either way it gets people talking which makes me sad as I type this. Please people open your eyes and realize these causes are much bigger then you and me, equal rights is for everyone regardless of your own personal beliefs take a seat and marinate on that point, maybe you will finally see how important this is to those who can't fight for themselves.

Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to get to know me through my blog, I am so appreciative to each one of you for that beyond belief. I hope you took something from my talk today whatever it may be, inspiration comes in many forms and as I've said before helping women is a goal of mine as a blogger. Stay awakened don't be deaf or blind to the causes at hand in the world it impacts the whole world regardless of you believe that or not, being cut off from world news is not only stupid it's selfish. Stay blessed and keep God first.


#Week4CatchUp #ImWithKaepernick #NFLShoutOut


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