Hello fashion dolls,

I love to play dress up and see what tops go with which shorts or jeans, that I haven't tried out yet and this  outfit I'm sharing today will show you just how fly my Summer style can be nowadays. With the heat going to the 80's and 90's at times I don't think t-shirts will play a huge part in my Summer wardrobe, but will find different types of tops to replace my t-shirts. Also I have been into head wraps for awhile now and just found two of my old ones, so I wanted to play around with some new ways to tie it that I seen in a head wrap tutorial video and rocked the head wrap style two days in a row #LookingSuperCute.


Top: Unknown
Pants: YiTong
Shoes: Gucci slides
Head wrap: Unknown

Sometimes I be feeling myself a little to much and try to pose like a model sometimes I nail it looking super cute and others it comes out ugly on every try so I give up and delete all those pictures. The last picture came out good, I think I look cute the pose is a bit sassy and model like and it shoes off my whole outfit the way I wanted to LOL. What you cant see in the picture though is the rhinestone detail on the front of my shirt, it's a silver and gold cross and the shirt is off white with little gold or brown flake like specks that pair well with my brown Gucci slides. 
I love to rock my curls, natural hair is a huge part of who I am because I've never put any chemicals into it or had a weave before, only thing I've done to it besides straighten it is wear braids. I want strong healthy hair and rock my natural hair curly or straight, but the braiding hair I use isn't a cheap synthetic brand it's high quality hair provided by Rastafri  (posted for the 4th of July last year wearing my Rastafri blonde braids). I would rather rock my natural hair because chemicals and dyes damage/break your hair sometimes to unrepairable, I'm scared to go bald due to some bad chemicals being put into my hair and I've been told numerous times that some hair stylists don't have experience doing someone's hair who's mixed so they may put something into it that their use to using on someone's hair that has more volume and texture rather then thick/silky.

I will be getting some new head wraps hopefully soon, because I've seen some cute patterns online that I want to get and will share them with you once I get them. I love to try new ways of wrapping a head wrap with out watching any tutorials until I can't come up with a new  idea and I only looked up this one because I've already made up my own way of wrapping it and was just looking for something different to try out after not wearing one in so long I had no ideas to create. Again it was a hot day and I had some errands to run on this day to, grocery shopping, early birthday shopping for Nevaeh, household shopping, have lunch and spend time together as a family. 

Thank you for reading and following me, I love sharing fashion and my life with you because getting to know you and you getting to know me is important because people who are giving their best  advice or tips about something really makes for genuine connections and I can help people along the way. Always take risks with your fashion, it will and can work out just try that one item and move onto one other each time until you've tried them all, did you like how you looked and did you feel pretty when you wore it out? If you answered yes to any or all of those questions then your ready to keep taking fashion risks. Stay blessed and keep God first.

#HeadWrapLife #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad #OOTD #CurlsOnPointAf



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