Hello fashion dolls, Tonight is NYE and I can hardly believe how fast the year has come to a end, this year I decided to stop by a few peoples house for a few hours but make it home right in time to watch the ball drop live with my little family. But today I wanted to put together a few Mommy and Me styles with my daughter Nevaeh, who has been asking me to play fashion with her and I figured what better day to dress up in cute clothes NYE so we put together some looks for 3 different styles dressy and casual. MOMMY AND ME NYE STYLE Now we are back at home, hanging out with a few of our cool neighbors and our kids are playing together. I look forward to hosting my own NYE party hopefully in 2020 and I will be sure to make it super cute and fancy with a dress code, delicous appetizers, great music, fun games and watch the ball drop live. Nevaeh had fun playing fashion with me today and showing off our Mommy and Me styles, she loves g...