Hello fashion dolls,

With the end of the year only less than a year away it really got me thinking about everything that I did this year and what I went through. Today is a flashback of 2019 and I willbe sharing all my favorite photos with a description of that specific day, I have a lot of saved photos in my phone from family days out to blog selfies there is a moment I want to share/re-share with you.

Typically people will start thinking about New Years resolutions around the ending of December, but as for me I don't make them because thats not my type of planning and for those people who do that wasn't a shot at you just stating my opinion. 2019 was a eventful year but fashion wise I need to step it up going into 2020 making fashion statements all year long and my OOTD's need to be on point.



She loves school and comes home talking about her classmates everyday and I am so proud of my little big girl doing so good in school, it's hard to believe she has grown so quickly already. I'm happy that she already enjoys school because she likes learning new things that challenge her a little and she is super smart, trust me you should hear how she talks LOL. #ProudMonMoment 


1. Fatherand son creating artwork at dinner table
4th wedding anniversary family date night


2. Pirate Adventure dinner and show.
This was super fun, our first time seeing the show and it was amazing! The boat was so big and the actors did a great job acting out the scene. I will always remember the look on the kids faces when we walked through those doors and theu first saw the boat inside a huge pool of water . The food was so good!.


3. Mama and daughter pretty time selfie 
Our 4th wedding anniversary family date night


4  Nevaeh turns 5 years old today!
We were getting ready to head over to her birthday party and we had to take a selfie and she said "Mama let's take a selfie all of us together". She had such a good birthday and she had so much fun at her party despite the fact that it was July and extrenely hot outside.


5. Medevil Times dinner and show
A cool and fun way to spend time with your family. The kids were so happy to go there Nevaeh seen the castle when we pulled up and was so excited to meet the Queen. Before the show started Tone almost broke his light up sword, it wss a rainy night but I'm glad we went.


Out of all the photos in my phone these are my favorites! Family is important to me and as I've said before I like spending time with family doing things we all can enjoy together. I plan out all our family outtings, I just want to have fun with my kids, see my kids smile and enjoy our family time. 
2020 will bring a lot more fun and adventureous family days out, I look forward to whatever happiness the year has to bring us. Although, I have gone through some ups and downs this year overall I am happy with the direction my life is taking and doing what I have to do for my family.


NFL 100th season: I was excited for this football season to arrive because since I keep up with most of the football news, Broncos had a pretty good chance of making it to the Super Bowl this year. It sucks that with the good games we won this season didn't get us into the playoffs this year and for what I believe to be the first time in his Broncos

Joining the PTA at my daughters school: I really enjoy being apart of the organization that molds the education of thr students at the school. The fundraiser ideas are amazing and I enjoy volunteering my time to help out with the book fair, fall festival and Santa shop, it was fun helping the kids buy books, play halloween games and shop for family Christmas gifts. All the money raised goes back direcrly to the school for field trips, rentals for events, books and other things the school may need for the students.

Family date nights: With me working so much it was nice to takethe kids to see two live action shows as a family and actually have a good time being out. Now we will need to top these moments during the new year and I have some tricks up my sleeve to make that happen. Its important to make these fun memeories with my kids because I want them to grow up having fun and remembering that although I worked and we had some obstacles to get over we always made sure they were happy and had as much fun as they could.

Thank you for reading and following my journey, there has been laughter, fun and sad times in 2019 but I am greatful to God for waking me up everyday and allowing me to see the beautiful world we live in #Amen. I hope you guys enjoy your Holidays and take this time to reflect on all the good moments you had with the people you love the most happy Holidays fashion dolls ! Take a Holiday fashion risk and please share them with me send it to me on social media I will leave my tags at the end of the post and the winner will get a very special end of 2019 giveway.



#2019InPhotos # FavoriteMoments2019 #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad



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