Hellp Fashionistas,
Today I wanted to share with you a few TV shows and movies I have watched on Netflix, because I get asked about good stuff to watch all the time and I see people on my sociao media feeds asking for recomendations as well. So I wrote down a list of what I have watched and along with a honest review of each, this is going to be fun because everything I watched has caused me to react to them in some sort of way whether it be sadness or anger your gonna want to hear my funny but honest answers. I have had my Netflix account for 2 years and I love it ! There is always something good to start watching or its easy to find most of the movies I hope they have in the collection and majority of the time they have what I'm looking for and thats what I love about having this subscription the most.
There will be a lot of ZOMBIE themed movies and shows on my review list, because that is my FAVORITE GENRE TO watch and yes I'm not really into the whole syfy theme but this will be my only exception LOL.
One thing about me is that when I read the title of a movie or TV show I watch the trailer before I just jump right into watching it so everything on my list has been predecided due to my careful researching LOL. Hopefully all my shows get renewed for new seasons because I just need to see what happens next so please Netflix if your reading this bring em back.
1. Black spot
This is a based in Villefranche, France and there is a string of major crimes happening in this small mountain town called Zone Blanche. The Major aka Sheriff of the town is a woman by the name of Lauren Weiss and a string of very oddly unusual crimes begin to unfold in this small town more frequently then usual, but in very werid ways and th3 entire town is surrounded by woods and its a huge area of wilderness where most of the murders were believed to have happened since most of the bodies were found there. Sheriff Weiss was having an affair with Mayor Bertrand Steiner who had a wife who knew he was sleeping with the Sheriff. It was a creepy murder supernaturap type vibe which I loved it, definitely need to watch this show both seasons are amazing and I watched both seasons the same day LOL.
2. Black summer
I love the whole zombies apocalypse genre in general thanks to the Walking Dead LOL, so when I seen this trailer I had to watch it on opening day. Every zombie apocalypse themed movie or show is different in it's own way, but what made this stand out to me was there would be a plane flying by or a alarm on a loud apeaker that indicates its time to go try to get your family to the quarantine zone where there was plenty of food and no zombies trying to eat you with the aide of the US Military.
I really enjoyed it and hope its renewed for season 2 ! I see online that Netflix hasnt offically stated it will or wont be renewed yet which leaves pleanty of time to decide since the show first aired in April 2019.
3. Containment
4. Chambers
A teenage girl dies unexpectedly and shortly after her death another teenage girl has a heart attack and given emergency surgery where she recieved a heart transplant from a wealthy couple whose daughter just died by donating their daughter Becky's heart volunteerily to Sasha who would've died otherwise. Weird shit started to happen shortly after Sasha had the transplant, she could see weird images of Becky's life and some how Sasha would see or do things that normally she wouldn't but Becky would. I loved this show so much I finished it in like 2-3 days and need Netflix to hit the uncancel button to give us some more episodes like 3 new seasons worth at least.
5. The rain
This is about a virus is being spread by rainfall and it forces a scientist's kids to hide away in a underground bunker seperated from him. Then it turns out Rasmus the scientist's youngest child is some how infected by this virus but is the host so he can't die or even be touched, but he could also be able to develop a cure. Now this one has just become my favorite there is two seasons available to view it is definitely a must watch show ! I was so happy when season 2 was released and finished it so quick I was mad at myself LOL.
6. Kingdom
Again I love zombies ! This one has to be the most interesting verson though, because the zombies only attack during the night time and it was based during the ancient Chinese era. The story plot is good, there is a lot of subtitles to read because the whole cast speaks in Chinese but it's worth watching and I hope to see a new season this was such a good one.
7. The sinner
Now this is a twisted ass show and I love it !. It's about a lady who goes to jail for stabbing a man to death on the beach when she was with her husband and the plot is intense the whole damn show is LOL. Had me not wanting to move from the screen at all, because I had to know what happened next omg ! There are 2 seasons available that you NEED to watch.
8. The I-land
This is normally to much syfy for my liking LOL but it turned out to be pretty good. It's about these people stranded on this island with no memory of who they are or how they got there. This story and twist was good but once you really find out the truth it makes things a lot more interesting but also like I said a little to syfy.
9. DayBreak
Again with the zombies LOL, this one was more of a teenage apocalypse because all the adults turned into what they called ghoulies (zombies) but the twist was they would repeat the last thing they were thinking before they turned into those monsters. All the teenagers were clicked up similar to the ones from mean girls and they all cussed so much LOL it was so crazy to see a 12-15 year old girl cusd like a Sailor bur overall it was a decent zombie show.
10. Z Nation
Last zombie show to share, I watched every season when it was airing on tv and this story was crazy because scientists or doctors created the zombie virus by experimenting on men in prison that they injected it into and one of those criminal guinea pigs became immune to it and carried the cure within himself he was it !. Murphy was a mean man, but when he met his group Warren aka Raburta, 10k, Doc, and Addy he needs them to take him to develop a vaccine to stop the virus from spreading. This was one of my favorite shows, it sucks it only aired for 5 seasons because I would've loved to see what happened to everybody if they were tiven more time for new episodes.
1. Sgt Will Gardner
This was such an amazing movie, I really enjoyed watching it. The story is about a homeless veteran, who just wants to go visit and have the opportunity to be in his son's life by showing up at their new house where his ex wife is living with her fiance. It made me mad at certain parts because Will was a Marine veteran and a good man, but people treated him like he wasn't shit because he's homeless but he kept doing what he had to do in order to live and find his son. I really enjoyed this one and would watch again to.
2. Cargo
A man and his infant daughter are caught in a zombie outbreak alone, I believe the Mom turned into one but quote me on that. This man protected his daughter through this whole apocalypse, but he found a little girl who was from a tribe that could take care of his daughter if he helped her find them and they traveled to look for the lost girl's family. This was a good movie and the story was kind of sad as well, but I enjoyed it a lot and definitely could see myself watching it again.
3. Rampant
A Chinese Prince returns to his hometown after his brother dies, but he also has to worry about the other officials who may want to kill him for his brother's rank. The zombies outbreak was interesting and the Prince's Sister in law was pregnant with his nephew right around the time the virus just spread into the Kingdom and eventually into the palace walls. This was a good one and recommend you watch this and your gonna love it as much as I do, maybe you will become a zombie loving fashionista like myself 😁💯.
4. How it ends
A mysterious worldwide disaste and war begins, a young business man and has Father in law team up to find his pregnant fiance. I really liked this one and was realistc to me because anything could happen such as a natural distaser or terroristc emp attack and that would turn life into survival of the fittest doing WHATEVER you had to survive and live. I liked it a lot and watched it twice LOL.
5. The silence
This was another little syfyish flick that I actually enjoyed. The world was being attacked by flying creatures that hunt and kill by sound, a small family is attempting to escape and seek quarantine outside of the city. But they encounter a mysterious cult that live in the wilderness. I really enjoyed this movie. The fact that you had to be super quiet or the blind flying creature would swoop down and eat whatever was making that noise it heard was kind of scary to imagine happening.
6. Into the forest
This is one of my favorites, it's got good action suspense scenes and a few sad ones as well. It's about two sisters whose Dad dies during a unexpected worldwide apocalypse, they live deep into the woods outside of a small town so nobody came onto thier property to scavenge for food or supplies. To many of these movies are realistic LOL the society we live in nowadays is very unsafe and so many people are being killed by others in senseless crimes.
7. Train to Basan
More zombies !!, this was based in an Asian country and although this has subtitles you need to read a lot, but that doesn't take away how good this movie is, because it's good. The story about a busy business Dad taking his daughter to visit her Mom a few cities away on a commuter train when a zombie outbreak infects majority of the passengers. This has moments that make you feel a littlw mad at whats happening or a little sad about it and I really did enjoy watching it.
8. Bushwick
When a town is being taken over by a secret militia releasing gunfire and grenades everywhere they could and killing whoever got in the way of where they were going. A Marine veteran and a college graduate team up to battle for survival and find her sister. I really liked it and it has it's moments of intenseness and sadness, when a mysterious war zonw suddenly arises it would cause people to do anything so they could stay alive. WATCH THIS !
9. The ritual
Four astranged best friends take a camping trip to the Swedish woods, that has some sort of demonic curse on that makes you relive the bad things you have done in life. These people who worship a demonic creature to stay alive in the wilderness kidnap people from the woods to scarafice them to the demonic creature so they can stay alive. This was a great movie and I enjoyed it so much I have watched it 2 times so far.
10. 22 July
This was based on a terrorist attacks that happened in Norway 2013, killing 77 people and injury 200 with a bomb and shooting people at a summer camp a little outside of Oslo Nroway. A young survior who was shot during the attack testified during the trial of the suspect and let me tell you this was touching ! I had a momwnt when I cried a little bit seeing what someone goes though after they have been a victim in a violent attack. This was another favorite and a MUST WATCH.
I hope you enjoyed my review and opinion on these shows and movies. Thank you for reading and be sure to come back for more great December content I have some awesome stuff coming up that I have planned out to finish within the next few weeks. Follow me in social media, my @tags are in the contact me tab, lets be friends.
#NetflixReview #GoodStuffToWatch #FashionistaZombieLover #NoSyfyAllowed
Today I wanted to share with you a few TV shows and movies I have watched on Netflix, because I get asked about good stuff to watch all the time and I see people on my sociao media feeds asking for recomendations as well. So I wrote down a list of what I have watched and along with a honest review of each, this is going to be fun because everything I watched has caused me to react to them in some sort of way whether it be sadness or anger your gonna want to hear my funny but honest answers. I have had my Netflix account for 2 years and I love it ! There is always something good to start watching or its easy to find most of the movies I hope they have in the collection and majority of the time they have what I'm looking for and thats what I love about having this subscription the most.
There will be a lot of ZOMBIE themed movies and shows on my review list, because that is my FAVORITE GENRE TO watch and yes I'm not really into the whole syfy theme but this will be my only exception LOL.
One thing about me is that when I read the title of a movie or TV show I watch the trailer before I just jump right into watching it so everything on my list has been predecided due to my careful researching LOL. Hopefully all my shows get renewed for new seasons because I just need to see what happens next so please Netflix if your reading this bring em back.
1. Black spot
This is a based in Villefranche, France and there is a string of major crimes happening in this small mountain town called Zone Blanche. The Major aka Sheriff of the town is a woman by the name of Lauren Weiss and a string of very oddly unusual crimes begin to unfold in this small town more frequently then usual, but in very werid ways and th3 entire town is surrounded by woods and its a huge area of wilderness where most of the murders were believed to have happened since most of the bodies were found there. Sheriff Weiss was having an affair with Mayor Bertrand Steiner who had a wife who knew he was sleeping with the Sheriff. It was a creepy murder supernaturap type vibe which I loved it, definitely need to watch this show both seasons are amazing and I watched both seasons the same day LOL.
2. Black summer
I love the whole zombies apocalypse genre in general thanks to the Walking Dead LOL, so when I seen this trailer I had to watch it on opening day. Every zombie apocalypse themed movie or show is different in it's own way, but what made this stand out to me was there would be a plane flying by or a alarm on a loud apeaker that indicates its time to go try to get your family to the quarantine zone where there was plenty of food and no zombies trying to eat you with the aide of the US Military.
I really enjoyed it and hope its renewed for season 2 ! I see online that Netflix hasnt offically stated it will or wont be renewed yet which leaves pleanty of time to decide since the show first aired in April 2019.
3. Containment
When a mysterious health epidemic breaks out in Atlanta, an urban quarantine is enforced, leaving those inside to fight for their lives as local and federal officials search for a cure. First off this was way to realistic for me LOL because a unexpected illness can occur quickly and infect unexpecting innocent people just like the measles and ebola outbreak that currently happened out here Southern LA. I did enjoy this just wish there was more episodes I really would've liked to see what happened next for Katie's son after she died from the disease towards the end of the show.4. Chambers
A teenage girl dies unexpectedly and shortly after her death another teenage girl has a heart attack and given emergency surgery where she recieved a heart transplant from a wealthy couple whose daughter just died by donating their daughter Becky's heart volunteerily to Sasha who would've died otherwise. Weird shit started to happen shortly after Sasha had the transplant, she could see weird images of Becky's life and some how Sasha would see or do things that normally she wouldn't but Becky would. I loved this show so much I finished it in like 2-3 days and need Netflix to hit the uncancel button to give us some more episodes like 3 new seasons worth at least.
5. The rain
This is about a virus is being spread by rainfall and it forces a scientist's kids to hide away in a underground bunker seperated from him. Then it turns out Rasmus the scientist's youngest child is some how infected by this virus but is the host so he can't die or even be touched, but he could also be able to develop a cure. Now this one has just become my favorite there is two seasons available to view it is definitely a must watch show ! I was so happy when season 2 was released and finished it so quick I was mad at myself LOL.
6. Kingdom
Again I love zombies ! This one has to be the most interesting verson though, because the zombies only attack during the night time and it was based during the ancient Chinese era. The story plot is good, there is a lot of subtitles to read because the whole cast speaks in Chinese but it's worth watching and I hope to see a new season this was such a good one.
7. The sinner
Now this is a twisted ass show and I love it !. It's about a lady who goes to jail for stabbing a man to death on the beach when she was with her husband and the plot is intense the whole damn show is LOL. Had me not wanting to move from the screen at all, because I had to know what happened next omg ! There are 2 seasons available that you NEED to watch.
8. The I-land
This is normally to much syfy for my liking LOL but it turned out to be pretty good. It's about these people stranded on this island with no memory of who they are or how they got there. This story and twist was good but once you really find out the truth it makes things a lot more interesting but also like I said a little to syfy.
9. DayBreak
Again with the zombies LOL, this one was more of a teenage apocalypse because all the adults turned into what they called ghoulies (zombies) but the twist was they would repeat the last thing they were thinking before they turned into those monsters. All the teenagers were clicked up similar to the ones from mean girls and they all cussed so much LOL it was so crazy to see a 12-15 year old girl cusd like a Sailor bur overall it was a decent zombie show.
10. Z Nation
Last zombie show to share, I watched every season when it was airing on tv and this story was crazy because scientists or doctors created the zombie virus by experimenting on men in prison that they injected it into and one of those criminal guinea pigs became immune to it and carried the cure within himself he was it !. Murphy was a mean man, but when he met his group Warren aka Raburta, 10k, Doc, and Addy he needs them to take him to develop a vaccine to stop the virus from spreading. This was one of my favorite shows, it sucks it only aired for 5 seasons because I would've loved to see what happened to everybody if they were tiven more time for new episodes.
1. Sgt Will Gardner
This was such an amazing movie, I really enjoyed watching it. The story is about a homeless veteran, who just wants to go visit and have the opportunity to be in his son's life by showing up at their new house where his ex wife is living with her fiance. It made me mad at certain parts because Will was a Marine veteran and a good man, but people treated him like he wasn't shit because he's homeless but he kept doing what he had to do in order to live and find his son. I really enjoyed this one and would watch again to.
2. Cargo
A man and his infant daughter are caught in a zombie outbreak alone, I believe the Mom turned into one but quote me on that. This man protected his daughter through this whole apocalypse, but he found a little girl who was from a tribe that could take care of his daughter if he helped her find them and they traveled to look for the lost girl's family. This was a good movie and the story was kind of sad as well, but I enjoyed it a lot and definitely could see myself watching it again.
3. Rampant
A Chinese Prince returns to his hometown after his brother dies, but he also has to worry about the other officials who may want to kill him for his brother's rank. The zombies outbreak was interesting and the Prince's Sister in law was pregnant with his nephew right around the time the virus just spread into the Kingdom and eventually into the palace walls. This was a good one and recommend you watch this and your gonna love it as much as I do, maybe you will become a zombie loving fashionista like myself 😁💯.
4. How it ends
A mysterious worldwide disaste and war begins, a young business man and has Father in law team up to find his pregnant fiance. I really liked this one and was realistc to me because anything could happen such as a natural distaser or terroristc emp attack and that would turn life into survival of the fittest doing WHATEVER you had to survive and live. I liked it a lot and watched it twice LOL.
5. The silence
This was another little syfyish flick that I actually enjoyed. The world was being attacked by flying creatures that hunt and kill by sound, a small family is attempting to escape and seek quarantine outside of the city. But they encounter a mysterious cult that live in the wilderness. I really enjoyed this movie. The fact that you had to be super quiet or the blind flying creature would swoop down and eat whatever was making that noise it heard was kind of scary to imagine happening.
6. Into the forest
This is one of my favorites, it's got good action suspense scenes and a few sad ones as well. It's about two sisters whose Dad dies during a unexpected worldwide apocalypse, they live deep into the woods outside of a small town so nobody came onto thier property to scavenge for food or supplies. To many of these movies are realistic LOL the society we live in nowadays is very unsafe and so many people are being killed by others in senseless crimes.
7. Train to Basan
More zombies !!, this was based in an Asian country and although this has subtitles you need to read a lot, but that doesn't take away how good this movie is, because it's good. The story about a busy business Dad taking his daughter to visit her Mom a few cities away on a commuter train when a zombie outbreak infects majority of the passengers. This has moments that make you feel a littlw mad at whats happening or a little sad about it and I really did enjoy watching it.
8. Bushwick
When a town is being taken over by a secret militia releasing gunfire and grenades everywhere they could and killing whoever got in the way of where they were going. A Marine veteran and a college graduate team up to battle for survival and find her sister. I really liked it and it has it's moments of intenseness and sadness, when a mysterious war zonw suddenly arises it would cause people to do anything so they could stay alive. WATCH THIS !
9. The ritual
Four astranged best friends take a camping trip to the Swedish woods, that has some sort of demonic curse on that makes you relive the bad things you have done in life. These people who worship a demonic creature to stay alive in the wilderness kidnap people from the woods to scarafice them to the demonic creature so they can stay alive. This was a great movie and I enjoyed it so much I have watched it 2 times so far.
10. 22 July
This was based on a terrorist attacks that happened in Norway 2013, killing 77 people and injury 200 with a bomb and shooting people at a summer camp a little outside of Oslo Nroway. A young survior who was shot during the attack testified during the trial of the suspect and let me tell you this was touching ! I had a momwnt when I cried a little bit seeing what someone goes though after they have been a victim in a violent attack. This was another favorite and a MUST WATCH.
I hope you enjoyed my review and opinion on these shows and movies. Thank you for reading and be sure to come back for more great December content I have some awesome stuff coming up that I have planned out to finish within the next few weeks. Follow me in social media, my @tags are in the contact me tab, lets be friends.
#NetflixReview #GoodStuffToWatch #FashionistaZombieLover #NoSyfyAllowed
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