Hello Fashionistas,

The Holidays are just about over and the kids definitely had one of the best Christmas's we have had in awhile, we have been dealing with a lot this year and I'm blessed to have such great family who went out of their way to make sure my kids had the time of their life with so much gifts and love. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before but, I lost my job this Summer and was forced to enroll for Calworks again and I wasn't able to buy to many gifts for the kids this year and having my amazing family support me like this really restored my love for Christmas and in 2020 I'm going to work hard to get back into the workforce and spoil my family the way they did the kods yesterday, so family if your reading this THANK YOU ! You have no idea how much it truly means to me and Tony 💯.



Fashionista Chrystal

Two piece set: Sugar Rackz  

Body suit: Boomy Apparel

Boots: G by Guess

Jewelry: Homemade by my Mother in law

Makeup: Walgreens. I used the Pink palette

Nevaeh and Tony ll

Dress: I'm not sure where it's from it was a gift last year

Leggings: Target

Sneakers: Filas

Button up shirt: Ross

Jeans: Tommy Hillfiger

Sneakers: Reeboks

These are gifts from my Parent's house, from them and my Aunt Paulette (Dad's sister). If you've seen my post about the Christmas vlog the gifts the kids were opening were at my Aunt Nicole's house. This year we didnt open gifts at my Mom's we spent it at Nicole's and then we went to open more gifts at Hubby's Mom house, so it's safe to say we had a supet busy Christmas this year and I loved it.


NEVAEH PHOTO BOMBING AS A BUGGER PICKER, she just was so excited all day and when I finally got Hubby to take a picture after a whole day of family time LOL here she comes.

Seated: Me, Mom, Nicole, Nevaeh and Donna. Standing: Tony, Tony ll and Dad
My Grandma Rose is in the corner to my left, she is beautiful and very missed 💕💯.

FAMILY PHOTO ! I was so happy to take this picture because it's challenging to get my Mom in pictures she doesnt like to take them at all. When she agreed to take this picture I was shocked and excited, this really was the best Christmas because it's the first Holiday since my Grandma Rose passed away last year that we all really got together and enjoyed a whole day as a family. Which meant so much more to me then any of them will ever know, THANK YOU again for everything LOVE YALL TO THE MOON AND BACK 2020 will be on me.

Thank you for reading and following my journey, with the few days of 2019 left I have some content coming soon and a vlog as well that I will share via Instagram and Twitter once it's uploaded. I hope you had a lovely Christmas yesterday with the people you love and a happy Holiday to you and your family from. Keep God first and stay blessed. Tell your family you love them and don't just let Holidays be the only time you spend time with them family is IMPORTANT and COMES BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE whether or not you live blocks, hours or in two different states stay connected.

#FamilyChristmas #SpoiledKidsWithGifts


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