Hello, fashionistas,

As we all know body image is a topic that gets a lot of feedback both good and bad depending on the person. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear body positivity? For example, I think of being happy with your body at any size even though at times people will attempt to make you believe that your body image needs to be thinner to be attractive. That's not true! There are curvy women that are super attractive to and it's not about body type it's about being comfortable with who you are and not giving a fuck if the world agrees with your views or not.


To me, it's about loving yourself for who you are and loving your body regardless of size or shape, when the world wants you to believe that thinner bodies are better than curvy ones, but whatever the reason for people to talk negatively about someone else's weight that can be hurtful to anyone whether they are skinny or plus size.

There are other disorders and mental health issues that can cause someone to not want to eat for example there's bulimia and anorexia that doctors claim have been caused by being bullied or teased about your weight. Genetics plays a key factor in what your body image will be like as an adult but of course watching what you eat keeps ALL body images healthy.

     Secondly, I believe that being body positive has nothing to do with having personal health issues because this movement and lifestyle are about loving the skin your in without a care in the world for anybodies bad opinion and never apologizing for anything. Some people are so ignorant they always assume someone has become plus size by constant overeating, but at times that's, not the case genetics plays a part in someone being big-boned when they grow up.

     My point is, what being a body-positive person means to me is happiness in oneself regardless of cliche stereotypes that shouldn't matter and love others despite their lack of knowledge even when you feel like punching them in the throat smile you're beautiful. Being confident in oneself keeps you from being affected by any negative comments because you know who you are and love you enough.

The media always puts out images or video of slender pretty woman which brainwashes kids into believing that's the way we have to be or else nobody will like us, the thing is God created us different for a reason and we shouldn't be trying to mess that up by altering our bodies unless it's absolutely medically necessary to do.


Know yourself
Spread positivity
Advocate for change
Love yourself
Love your body
Love others as you do yourself.

Yes I still struggle with self body exceptance, but it's a work in progress that I am getting the better end of nowadays LOL I am proud of how far I have come. I walk a lot for exercise, drink a lot of water/natural juices and eat a lot healthier now then I did about 2 years ago when I just didnt care. Beauty isn't skin deep it's a state of mind and not about the body image, personality if far more valuable then being skinny because thats what everyone else wants you to be since it's everywhere and family members even get on you about being to skinny or to over weight like me being happy isn't good enough for them. With the Holidays coming up I do realize that ubfortaubately this is the time of year everyone gets on someone at the dinner table about their weight and how they shouldn't eat so much. Holidays is meant for overeating and that's what I intend on doing and I can care less if anyone has something to say about my little belly pouch because I!ve been working out a little lately at the park near Nevaeh school so I am owed this cheat time for the best time of year.


Dont ever conform because someone says its better for you, alter your body if u want or if a doctor tells u your health will improve from it. I always talk about fashion risks but never take health risks, you are someone, you are loved, you are wanted, you are good enough and you are beautiful haters will hate because thats what they do best and just cant help their damn self but to make someone feel down so they can feel better about themself. Thank you for reading and stay spreading love, God and happiness in the world people will be grateful that you did even when they dont say it.

#BodyPositiveMovement #BeYourselfAlways #FashionistaSquad #StylenistaSquad



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