Hello fashionistas !, Today I was looking through my clothes and have been looking for anything different to wear, so I choice these two outfits. I had a somewhat busy day taking care of a few things before having a girls day with my cousins. I always pair pieces together that can help me show off a different side of my fashion style, so these two looks are definitely something unique/stylish, because when I go out I want to look my best and feel great/pretty in whatever I'm wearing (always being myself). MY TOTAL LOOKS 1. STRIPED VEST & COLETTES Top: Spaghetti trap from target Colettes: George these were a gift Glitter pumps: Shiek I have been hesitant on wearing these pants, because I wasn't sure how they were meant to be styled, so I just took a fashion risk putting this together and it turned out alright. It's been awhile since I've seen anyone wear these type of belts clinched at the waistline, but I'm all for recreating past trends as long as they...