Hello fashionistas, πŸ‘—πŸ’„πŸ’…
Saturday Febuary 27, was the last day of Vanity Fair Social Club and I really enjoyed myself, but I wish it was longer LOL. The attendees were nice, respectful, talkative and helpful, I hope to be invited again next year with my group BLOGGER BABES OF LA a special thanks to our group leader Heidi for getting the extra invites for those of us who were on the waiting list. I got to meet one person who made it known she was from BLOGGER BABES OF LA, I hope to get a chance to meet more BLOGGER BABES OF LA at other events similar to this one.

The New Paradigm hosted by Lousie Roe featuring these successful bloggers with tons of influence/style:

πŸ’„Wendy Nguyen of Wendy's Lookbook

πŸ’„Andy Torres of Style Scrapbook

πŸ’„Marianna Hewitt of Life With Me

πŸ’„Rocky Barnes of Rocky Barnes Blog

Out of all 4 bloggers in the panel I only follow and knew of Wendy, but now meeting the other 3 ladies and hearing their inspirational blogging stories I will also follow them. I can always support women with inspiring truth and who just want to help others the way these ladies do, so I applaude them for what they do. πŸ‘


You can have a low amount of followers or high amount of followers but if you only pick brands you know and trust, people who follow you will buy them, because your being honest and not fake
- Andy Torres

I like the challenge, you have so many options why not use them? There are still some brands I say no to
-Rocky Barnes

I use the brands that are the best for me and my brand - Wendy Nguyen
There are so many bloggers out there, but if you can define yourself and create your unique style people will follow you
-Andy Torres

I love music, and I learned how to play music as a dj for myself not to monetize from it, but again when I started my blog I did it for myself not to monetize from it either. You just really don't know what else you can do -Andy Torres

I don't just want someone to follow me because they like my jacket, but because they find something special about me
-Andy Torres

I was brought up in a foster home and I aged out of the foster care system, but I don't like to talk about that to much on my blog. It's something I still have trouble with so I try not to talk about it to much, but I will around the holidays
-Wendy Nguyen

Being a blogger you get ao many chances to work with brands and I never think these things can actually happen. So I don't have a plan for the future, I'm just going to see what opportunity comes around 
-Marianna Hewitt

I like to weird people watch, like at Venice beach freaks and festivals -Rocky Barnes
I love finding outfits that girls post on instagram, screenshot them and send to my girlfriends. These are girls I don't know 
-Marianna Hewitt

If you find a spark in someone helo them bring that out and mentor them
-Louise Roe

Don't take anything personal it's never about you, it's about marketing. If you take anything personal your going to give up and be crying on your pillow all the time 
-Rocky Barnes

Don't copy any other influencers, be yourself find what makes you special and utilize that 
-Andy Torres

I learned in Business school to write down 3 pillars that represent your brand and this anchors my decisions -Wendy Nguyen

People think a bloggers life is perfect, but it's not we struggle and it's ok not to be
-Andy Torres

Every social media platform serves a different purpose for me, but I feel that I need all of them -Marianna Hewitt

For me it's important to show who I am, because I don't want to be judged based on a picture so now I do snapchat to show more of my personality
-Andy Torres

I love instagram it's my diary and I post like 4-5 times daily, so if you dont want that don't follow me -Rocky Barnes

My blog is advice based and I don't snapchat much -Lousie Roe

Agents don't want professional head shots anymore, they check your instagram page
-Rocky Barnes

All the ladies have great personalities, amazing stories, come from humble beginnings and are VERY down to earth. I was looking forward to this panel all week, so I'm grateful everyone came and shared their stories/advice with VFSC. I am very happy and appreciative that I was given this opportunity to come to VFSC and look forward to attending next year.

Funny thing is when I arrived Saturday, I was getting into the elevator to go upstairs to VFSC and I was with Louise Roe and Rocky Barnes two different times but had no clue LOL because I wasn't paying much attention and when the panel started I was thinking to myself "Omg I was in the elevator with them and didn't even notice,because I was on my phone"; But now I know to keep my eyes peeled and my phone down before entering these types of events since I never know who could be on my elevator ride LOL. 😯😁
Unfortunately that day I didn't get to stay for the entire time, because my fiance' got sick unexpectedly so I had to go home to make sure he/Nevaeh were ok, So I missed the Sir John panel and hope to see him at another similar event soon.
I hope you ladies enjoyed my post and were inspired in some way by the blogger panel, as I was. I took note of a lot of the stuff being said during the discussion and hope you enjoy the video I took 😁. Keep God first and stay blessed ladies.



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